Chapter 1941 Agreeing to Plastic Surgery
"Remove his face?" The female white coat pointed at the middle-aged man and asked.

The young man laughed: "What are you thinking, what's the use of changing his face."

"Who's it for?"

The young man pointed to the man on the hospital bed.

The man's head is Uncle Tie's, but his body is not tall.

"Are you trying to find someone to pretend to be him?" The female white coat finally came to her senses.

Everyone suddenly realized that whether the vegetative is dead or not is not up to them. "Sir" will watch the vegetative state on video every day.

So the best way is to find a living person to act as a test subject.

"Who will it be..." The woman in the white coat was troubled, but she was the only one of the opposite sex present, and no one would replace her, so she was slightly relieved.

Her gaze swept across the faces of the people, and then fell on them again, looking for someone who was similar in stature to the deceased on the hospital bed.

The reward he got for agreeing to board the ship was only 800 million gold.

Finally, her eyes fell on a man.

Taking a deep breath, he looked at the crowd expectantly, and there was a vague threat in them.

Someone has already started transferring money.

"I'm not an executioner. If he doesn't agree, even if you stun him, I won't operate."


"Yes, at this time, there must be someone who sacrifices, and we will always remember your sacrifice."

"I won't say anything false, I can repay you now, as long as you agree, I will transfer you 100 million M gold."

Although he didn't say anything more, the constant vibration of text messages seemed to be urging him to agree quickly.

It would be agree.

He knew that if he didn't agree, the final end would be to be isolated, or even worse, he would be forced to change his face directly, and he would not get a penny at that time.

Even if you don't agree, the result is the same.

The young man waved his hand: "Don't force him, give him some time."

Obviously, before he agreed, the elderly white coat was ready to make a move.

In just a short period of time, 1300 million M gold has been added to the account.

"You are not kind." Someone shook his head in disapproval, but there was a smile in his eyes.

"Me too, I will transfer it to you immediately."

When everyone looked over, they saw the old white coat standing behind the unconscious man. No one knew when he stood there or when he made the move, and the man had already passed out.

The man stepped back again and again: "No... no no no..."

As soon as the words fell, someone gave him an anesthetic injection.

"Let's get started." The old man in the white coat threw the man onto the operating table and said to the woman in the white coat.

"As long as you promise, money is not a problem. Although we don't give much, but we have a lot of people, it adds up to a very impressive number, isn't it?"

"It's time like this. Don't be too selfish. It's just a change of face. It's not about killing you. If my figure is similar to his, I will replace it without saying a word. Think about it for everyone. You can also think about it yourself, if you don’t agree, everyone will die.”

"It's just a face, think about it carefully."

Someone urged impatiently: "It's okay, it's okay, don't be arrogant, at this time, for the sake of your life, being arrogant is stupid!"

"Anyway, he agreed, didn't he?" The old white coat smiled and spread his hands: "I just help him, right?"

The young man once again stood on the sidelines, quietly watching this good show.

Occasionally, his gaze on Uncle Tie's face was complicated, with a hint of guilt.

(End of this chapter)

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