Chapter 1945 Is there something to hide from me?

The yacht approached the big boat, and Xiao Lingzhi boarded the boat with a big purple rabbit in her arms.

Little Taotie: "You... this rabbit?"

"My grandfather made it, isn't it good?" Little Lingzhi showed off her big rabbit.

Little Taotie pursed his lips, eyes full of envy.

Little Lingzhi covered her mouth and grinned, and leaned closer to her ear: "I heard that Grandpa Tao went to my house to learn scriptures today."

"Take a scripture?"

"You little idiot, isn't your birthday coming soon?"

Little Taotie blushed: "He...does he want to make a rabbit for me too?"

"of course not!"


"It's ok."

Little Taotie blinked his big eyes: "Then what?"

Little Taotie's eyes were shining brightly, as if there were countless little stars twinkling inside, and the little milk voice was excited: "Lion! He will make a plush lion for me? Is it also this big?"

Little Ganoderma let out a breath towards the two little hands, and suddenly scratched towards the little Taotie's belly!

Little Lingzhi couldn't see Uncle Guicha, so naturally she didn't know that Uncle Guicha was about to stick to her face.

A "crew" stood beside Lu Yuan, who was becoming the "captain" at the moment, and asked, "Is there any problem with this?"

"Ah?" Little Lingzhi was puzzled, "What did you say?"

"Don't say it yet? Let's see how long you can keep your mouth shut!"

"Stop... cluck... I'm going to... fight back..."

Little Lingzhi laughed heartily, but little Taotie couldn't. She felt sorry for her grandpa, and her voice was soft: "Actually, I also... don't really want a lion. In fact... it's okay to be a little smaller, and I don't need a big lion." ..."

"Little Taotie, is this your good friend?" Uncle Guicha took a closer look: "Hurry up and introduce me!"

Little Taotie's eyes wandered wildly, but he didn't dare to look at Xiao Lingzhi.

"We're about to reach our destination. She's not on board. It's better to leave. If... something happens, I'm afraid it will be involved."

"Quickly tell me, what are you hiding from me? Tell me honestly, and deal with it leniently!" Xiao Lingzhi rolled up her sleeves with a smile, "Otherwise I will be sentenced to death!"

"Hey! You still dare to attack me...hahaha...stop..."


Little Taotie stretched out his hand and grabbed the hem of Uncle Guicha's clothes and pulled it back, lowering his voice: "Don't make trouble!"

The little Ganoderma lucidum asked mysteriously, "What constellation are you?"

"I promised Grandpa Tao not to say anything." Little Lingzhi rolled her eyes and smiled, "But I'm closer to you! Haha, of course I have to betray him!"

Little Lingzhi shook her head: "I don't know about that, I just know that he is quite stupid, always stabs his hand, and is scolded by my grandpa, hahaha..."

Little Taotie pursed his lips, as if he had transformed into a gourd.

The two little girls made a fuss, laughing innocently and innocently.

Little Taotie was amused, and patted her little rabbit, "Hurry up and talk!"

"I won't stop! If you don't tell me, I won't stop! Hurry up and tell the truth. What are you hiding from me? Look how hard your mouth is!"

Little Ganoderma approached suspiciously, and tapped Little Taotie's face: "Tell me, are you hiding something from me! Don't hide your eyes, look, how guilty you are!"

The big rabbit held by the little Ganoderma lucidum has long ears and long legs, and it is half the size of the little Ganoderma lucidum.

"Let's not talk about it, hurry up and tell the truth!"

"Okay! You don't recruit, do you? Then don't blame me!"

Little Taotie quickly shook his head: "Nothing."

"I have a count, you go to work."

When the "crew" left, Lu Yuan found Hua Jinyan, and said in a deep voice, "It's almost there, and it's time for her to leave."

"Difficult." Hua Jinyan knew Xiao Lingzhi well, and it was impossible to leave alone.

After a moment of silence, Lu Yuan said solemnly: "Let Xiao Taotie go with her."

(End of this chapter)

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