"Want to know the answer?"

Little Taotie and Hua Jinyan suddenly turned their heads to look, their eyes full of defense.

Dressed as a mercenary, it was a man with a gun on his back, surrounded by a man with a straight suit and a feminine face, who was pushing a wheelchair.

The wheelchair looks mechanical, but the person sitting in the wheelchair is deformed.

His body and limbs have shrunk, like the body of a five or six-year-old child. The head on his neck has the face of a mature man. The man smiles, but the smile doesn't reach his eyes. Those eyes are like the coldest snake. Hitomi.

It was this deformed-looking man who made the sound just now.

Hua Jinyan took a step forward, stood in front of the little Taotie, and said in a deep voice, "Are you the man called by the people on the boat?"

"You can also call me Mr.." The man smiled elegantly, and raised his brows slightly: "I wanted to find someone who offended me, but I didn't expect that I would meet two—cute!" Stress is added to the word.

The secretary standing behind him immediately understood what he meant, and told the people behind him: "Take them back, the boss likes children."

The man in the wheelchair smiled kindly, but with a gloomy expression on his face, "I like children the most, and I built a huge amusement park for them, oh yes, something happened to the amusement park recently, It might be quiet for a while."

He didn't say a word, the secretary behind him would subconsciously straighten his body, his eyes wandering.

"Her man, his father, wanted to kill me on the boat. The father's debt was paid by the son, and the husband's debt was paid by the wife. I just retaliated, and I didn't do it first." The man pretended to be very innocent. She blinked like teasing Xiao Taotie, "You are a famous little girl, but I don't like little girls."

The man looked at Hua Jinyan playfully: "Compared to girls, I like a little boy like you, the most innocent, childish, and tender age..."

"Oh? How can you be sure that I am me now, maybe I am also a fake."

Two mercenaries dragged the young man out of the ward in a white coat. At this moment, he had already arranged his clothes, and he was still wearing the white coat that doctors usually wear.

Little Taotie asked: "You caught them, forced them to play in the amusement park, and intentionally tampered with the pirate ship?"

"The one on the ship uses a female secretary, and the real gentleman is misogynistic."

Hua Jinyan did not show any fear because of the strange appearance of the other party, but glanced at the other party lightly, and said coldly: "I can be sure now that you are real."

"Long time no see." The man in the wheelchair raised his head and smiled.

"So smart." The interest in the man's eyes dissipated a little, and he shrugged: "Unfortunately, if a child is too smart, he will not be easy to deceive, and it will be boring."

Little Taotie looked at the top of his head, there was a patch of black vines above his head, under the vines grew weird mushrooms, a crow flew over, got entangled in the vines, and finally dragged into the ground, those mushrooms were nourished , Crazy growth.

When he saw the man in the wheelchair, the young man in the white coat trembled.

Little Taotie snorted: "Is he so scary? Why is he shaking! Can Uncle Tie scare people?"

Thinking of the scene I saw on the hospital bed, all fear disappeared in an instant.

So what if this person dies and comes back to life, can he be as scary as that horrible ghost?

The fear on the face of the young man in the white coat instantly disappeared, and he showed a cold smile: "Long time no see, sir."

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