Chapter 198 Devouring Other Spiritual Bodies
Hua Jinyan shook his head.

He didn't know why Ino became an evil spirit, but he knew that once he became an evil spirit, Little Taotie would not be able to help her.

Because the way Xiao Taotie eats the evil spirit is to turn the whole evil spirit into chocolate, not just to suck away the black energy of the evil spirit.

Once Ino turns into chocolate, it is tantamount to disappearing completely in this world, unlike the wraith who has taken away his grievances, he still has the opportunity to be reincarnated.

From the perspective of Hua Jinyan and Xiao Taotie, Yinuo, who had become an evil spirit, rushed towards Luo Lili crazily. It was obvious that every blow passed through Luo Lili's body and could not actually hurt Luo Lili, but Yinuo still Beating and biting frantically.

"Why! Why did you kill me! I regard you as a good friend!"

"Just a little bit, I can make my debut!"

"My dream is shattered, you give me back my life, you give me back my life—"

"Luo Lili, I won't let you go even if I turn into a ghost!"

"I want to become stronger, I want to become a ghost king, I want to curse you, I want to kill you, I want revenge—"

The black energy on her body became more and more intense, she rushed out and started wandering the streets, seeing lonely souls and wild ghosts about to devour them.

Little Taotie and Hua Jinyan chased him out.

Cheng Guodong wanted to catch up, but Qin Xin shook his head.

The scene was chaotic, it didn't matter if the two children ran away, if the two adults also left, it might attract attention.

He just heard his sister and Hua Jinyan muttering, and he almost guessed what happened.

He and his eldest brother couldn't help with these metaphysical things.

"I'm not at ease." Cheng Guodong frowned tightly.

"We couldn't help in the past, and maybe it will add to the chaos. When will the Feng Shui master you contacted before return to China?"

"It should be soon." Cheng Guodong was not too sure.

"Are you sure that Feng Shui master loves freedom and hates taking apprentices to teach apprentices?"

"I'm sure! Don't worry, I invited him here just to see my sister. If there is something wrong with my sister, he should be able to see it. If he thinks that my sister is talented, he will not have the idea of ​​accepting apprentices. His laziness It's famous."

Qin Xin nodded and believed him temporarily.


Little Taotie and Hua Jinyan ran fast all the way to barely catch up with Yinuo.

Ino went to a dark corner and saw an old man with dull eyes, Ah Piao, took a deep breath and started to smoke.

The old man, A Piao, was dumbfounded, and the color on his body became more and more transparent.

At the critical moment, Little Taotie arrived and punched him.

A layer of golden light appeared on her white and tender fist, and the fist hit Yinuo's heart hard.

Ino retched, and a cloud of gray gas appeared in his mouth. The gas flew back to the old man's body, and the old man became more solidified.

The old man was still dumbfounded, his eyes were empty and lifeless, and he didn't know that he was almost completely swallowed and disappeared.

"Beautiful lady, be more sober, you can't devour other spirits, you will become an evil spirit!"

"Hey hey..." A strange laugh came out of Ino's mouth.

Ino's eyes were pitch black, surrounded by black mist, and his face became distorted from laughing.

She stretched out her hand to attack the little Taotie, she seemed to have forgotten who the little Taotie was, and only regarded the person in front of her as an enemy that hindered her from becoming stronger.

Hua Jinyan pulled the little Taotie behind him, he wore colorful relics on his wrists, and a transparent mask on his body glowed with golden light, making the evil spirits fearful.

Ino retreated again and again, not daring to go forward, the blackness in her eyes seemed to be dissipating slowly, and her expression struggled in pain.

Those completely black eyes turned back to their original appearance, black and white were distinct, she regained consciousness for a moment, and looked at Xiao Taotie and Hua Jinyan blankly.

"Why am I here? Am I not in the hospital?"

(End of this chapter)

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