Chapter 1981 No reason to trust each other
Uncle Guicha's mouth twitched slightly: "Are you not short of money?"

Little Taotie sighed like a grown-up, with an old-fashioned expression on his face: "I want to raise a lot of brothers and sisters who are college students, and the buildings I built can't keep up with the speed at which they can apply for housing. Now I can't film movies and commercials, and my income is also reduced. I am a poor little pity." gone."

"You want to raise college students?" The secretary was puzzled.

He is a person with strong language skills, proficient in many languages, Huaguo language is also one of them, although he inevitably has a little accent, which is not standard, but he can still understand it.

Little Taotie nodded, and told the secretary about building a building for his brothers and sisters to live in.

The secretary was moved to tears.

Little Taotie was surprised: "Why are you crying?"

Secretary: "It would be great if I were from Huaguo. I can get such good treatment, and I don't have to follow the boss to do so many unconscionable things. After all, I also want to eat for a bite."

The secretary sobbed and said, "I haven't done any good deeds in my life. Maybe all I can do is to take out all the assets of the boss and give them all to do good deeds for you."

The secretary told Xiao Taotie where all the boss's assets were, as well as the password and the method of withdrawing money.

Little Taotie waved his little hand: "Okay, let's go slowly."

Looking at her bright smile, sweet dimples, and curved eyebrows, the corners of Hua Jinyan's mouth also curled up: "You're right."

Little Taotie asked back: "Then do you believe me?"

He was a little impatient when he vaguely heard someone calling him, but felt that the voice was very familiar, sweet and childlike. He reacted and raised his head suddenly to look over.

Uncle Guicha made another "phone call", Xiao Taotie contributed a piece of chocolate, and successfully put the secretary in Uncle Guicha's notebook.

Little Taotie giggled: "So, no reason is needed, we trust each other."

The secretary bowed deeply: "Thank you."

Little Taotie turned around in a circle and laughed, "It's me!"

Back at the base, seeing Lu Yuan hurried out head-on, Xiao Taotie shouted loudly: "Uncle Bai Lu!"

Uncle Guicha waved his hand: "I'll take them away."

"With you holding me, I won't fall even if I don't need to look at the road."

Secretary: "What he did was illegal, and the money came from dirty sources."

Little Taotie patted his chest and straightened his back: "Don't worry, I will make these dirty money clean! The best way to clean them up is to make contributions to the people!"

"Little glutton!"

"Are you two okay?"

Hua Jinyan nodded: "I believe."

Lu Yuan, who was walking with his head buried in his head, got a very bad news. The place where the young white coat was imprisoned exploded. What he is most worried about now is Xiao Taotie and Hua Jinyan. He can’t get in touch with him by phone. He doesn’t know how the two children are doing now. up.

After getting a large sum of money, the little Taotie was giggling as she walked, Hua Jinyan shook her head helplessly, reached out to hold her little hand, and said in a gentle voice: "Go well, watch the road."

Uncle Guicha listened, and was also shocked by the boss's huge assets, "Is this too rich?"

"Believe me that much?"

Lu Yuan took out the fastest running speed and ran in front of the two of them, looked up and down, looked back and forth, and confirmed that the two were not injured, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

"Where's your cell phone?"

Little Taotie took out his pocket and shook his head: "It's gone."

Hua Jin said: "There was an accident, it was too late to take it, it should have been blown up."

(End of this chapter)

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