Chapter 1984 Don't be pure and innocent

Other places need certification. The 10 cruise ships here are not easy. As long as you can enter the interior and find the hidden place, you can take the things away smoothly.

Little Taotie strode forward, very excited throughout.

"So happy?" Hua Jinyan asked with a smile.

Little Taotie couldn't help laughing, the dimples were deeply sunken, his brows and eyes were curved, like a happy kitten, his round face was full of apple muscles, and Hua Jinyan's smile became even more festive. big.

"I'm glad to think that there will be a lot of money later. How much money will it be?"

"It should be a lot."

"Hee hee hee..." Little Taotie laughed out loud, "I want to get rich! I can build taller buildings for my brothers and sisters, and better decoration, and arrange a fully smart home for each house!"

Hua Jinyan looked at her with doting and gentle eyes. Sometimes he didn't quite understand why Xiao Taotie did these things. It was obviously a thankless task, but every time she was happy because of those people's gratitude, it seemed very meaningful thing.

"I will sponsor you."

"It's not new, doesn't it matter?" Little Taotie hesitated again.

Little Taotie was at a loss: "Why can't more good things be produced, why should they be limited? Isn't the more goods you buy, the more people you buy, and the more money you make in doing business?"

"It's so big!" Little Taotie sighed with emotion.

"Uncle Hua didn't snatch it either?" Little Taotie giggled, "Then when Uncle Hua's birthday comes, I'll give him this cruise ship!"

"Hee hee, no need, once you get all the money from the wheelchair villains, it should be enough to build a lot, and then let my buildings bloom everywhere!"

"These 10 cruise ships should all be limited editions."

Little Taotie blinked: "Are there still limited edition cruise ships?"

Hua Jinyan's eyes were gentle: "Then he will be very happy."

Hua Jinyan nodded: "My father also wanted to buy this one, and used it as a scene prop for filming, but unfortunately, he didn't get it."

Hua Jinyan shook his head: "He's already very satisfied to be on this cruise ship, he doesn't care if it's new or not. He has a pair of limited-edition sneakers that he likes very much, but he didn't get them at the time, and someone shipped them later. It’s not second-hand, maybe it’s third-hand or fourth-hand, and he still rushes to buy it at a high price.”

"The way of limited edition sales is the opposite of small profits but quick sales, but the money it makes is no less than small profits and quick sales. Often the price it charges is dozens of times, hundreds of times, or even tens of thousands of times, but enthusiasts I will still enter the pit, even though I know the cost is low, but because of certain feelings, I am still willing to pay for it.”

When the two arrived on the first cruise ship, fingerprint verification was required at the door, but Hua Jinyan, a computer expert, was here and was quickly cracked.

"This is too stupid." Xiao Taotie scratched his head: "If the cost is very low, but you pay a lot of money to buy it, isn't it pure and innocent? This is being cut leeks! I don't want to buy it!"

Little Taotie learned how to cut leeks from his new friend Suyou.

At that time, she thought that her old friend was going to cut leeks, and almost made an oolong. The kind little Taotie remembered that there was a row of leeks in the back mountain, and she wanted to cut them for her old friend. Later, she realized that cutting leeks meant taking advantage of her.

"Why is there an ink painting here?" In the extremely modern and luxurious cabin, there was an existence that was completely inconsistent with the surrounding design, a yellowed ink landscape painting.

(End of this chapter)

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