The real daughter, Xiaotaotie, became popular in the entertainment industry

Chapter 1987 Forced to appreciate the beauty in the mirror

Hua Jinyan stayed by Xiao Taotie's side for a while, seeing that she didn't wake up, she should have slept for a long time, sighed, and said to the air, "Help me guard her for a while, I'll help her find the treasure."

No one answered.

Hua Jinyan looked in one direction and stared.

Not long after, Lu Yuan couldn't bear his temper and could only walk out.

"How did you find me?"

Lu Yuan has always been full of confidence in his tracking skills and hidden skills.

Unexpectedly, it was seen through by a child.

Even the most cunning enemy special forces could not find him before, but now he was defeated by a child.

Could it be that he is getting old?
Hua Jinyan smiled mischievously: "Not only me, she also found out."

"You mean that little Taotie also found me!"

Hua Jinyan nodded.

Lu Yuan had a look of lovelessness.

I can't help but wonder if I am really old.

He originally came to guard the dormitory, but it wasn't because he served the old man!
But now, he can't help but feel that maybe guarding the dormitory is the most suitable for him. With his current poor tracking ability, if he goes on a mission to track a suspect, he may be found and killed.

"I'll help you look at her, go find her."

"You look unhappy."

"I don't think I'm happy to be found by two young children."

Hua Jinyan smiled: "If you are not happy, I am happy."

"You boy!"

Hua Jinyan had already turned and left, leaving Luyuan hopping on the spot.

Lu Yuan sat next to Xiao Taotie, stared at the little girl's sleeping face, and sighed: "Look, I'm still drooling! I was spotted by a drooling little girl! My level has dropped so much !"

Little Taotie fell asleep leaning against the ice coffin in the dream, and entered a dream within a dream.

In the dream, she saw an extremely beautiful and smart girl sitting in front of the mirror. The girl touched her face, then blinked at the mirror, and smiled narcissistically: "I'm so pretty!"

Little Taotie: "..."

Although she also thinks this young lady is very beautiful, is it really okay for her to be so narcissistic?
The young lady who was originally very watery and clear, so clean and shiny became greasy in an instant.

Little Taotie said: "Sister, you are so oily!"

The girl didn't hear her voice, and didn't know her existence. Instead, she continued to look in the mirror, and smiled sweetly at the person Wink in the mirror: "I must be very attractive when I look like this!"

Little Taotie: "...Sister, you are really good!"

"Hee hee hee..." The girl covered her small mouth and smiled like a kitten that stole a fish, thieves.

"No, no, I look like a sick person."

Little Taotie: "...Sister, you finally found out, you are so oily."

"I want to be aloof!" The girl looked at herself in the mirror with a straight face, her face was so beautiful that it glowed, and her chin was raised slightly, looking cold and unapproachable.

"Won't this look a little too arrogant?" The girl hurriedly lowered her chin, "Ah, this is a double chin!"

Little Taotie: "...I don't see a double chin."

"No, no, no, I can't lower my head. I can't look down like a bully. I can't be too cold, and I can't be pitiful like a wretch. I have to control my temperament!"

Then Xiao Taotie saw this beautiful young lady making expressions in front of the mirror, time passed, the sun outside had set, and she was still looking in the mirror!

Little Taotie wants to leave here, but finds that his consciousness seems to be trapped here, and he can't leave at all, and can only be forced to "appreciate" the beauty in the mirror.

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