Little Taotie looked at the little white beast on the left who was intoxicated by the singing, and then at the war god on the right who was singing embarrassingly, for a moment he didn't know what to say.

She touched her ears, suspecting that she had heard wrong.

This is the god of war in the heavens, so there is no reason to have a weakness, right?

Why is singing... so strange?
She looked at the little white beast again, and muttered, "Why does it seem to be enjoying itself? Does it sound good?"

Baibai Xiaoshou heard her muttering and nodded vigorously: "It sounds good! It sounds good!"

The little white beast has never heard a song with such a melody. Although some tunes seem strange, most of the tunes are still very cheerful.

The little white beast also sang along to the tune of God of War: "A flash -- ah~~~ A flash is tight --"

Little Taotie: "..."

God of War originally lacked self-confidence, even low self-esteem, but with such support, God of War's originally low, soft voice was now amplified.

The local accent came rushing towards his face, Little Taotie turned around, held back his laughter, and laughed out loud.

The little white beast was a little puzzled, and looked at the back of the little Taotie suspiciously.

The god of war is still singing.

After a song was sung, God of War let out a breath and calmed down his emotions: "You don't have to be so supportive, I know I can't sing well."

In fact, the God of War didn't know that he was born with a music idiot, but once he drank with the Emperor of Heaven, the Emperor of Heaven insisted on pulling him to sing and dance.

It's okay if you don't open your mouth, but once you open your mouth, the Heavenly Emperor tripped over with his left foot and right foot and fell to the ground.

The God of War kindly wanted to help him up, but he heard the exaggerated laughter of the Emperor of Heaven: "No, have you swallowed the duck, quack quack! Hahaha... I laughed so hard!"


"What's the matter with your thick accent? I don't remember that you were sent to that mountain to practice when you were a child, or... In which life did you have a villager?"


"Oh, I can't do it, I'm going to laugh out loud! Why don't I have a photo stone on me? I should leave your beautiful singing voice and play it in front of the gate of the heaven. It can deter the demons! Hahaha..."

God of War: "... Enough is enough."

"I also want to stop it in moderation, but you don't know how funny it is, you are such a funny genius! You are usually silent, but when you use your big move, you are invincible, laughing everywhere!"

The god of war was so angry that he turned around and left.

"Hey! Don't go, you can sing me another song! It sounds good, it's really good, I like to listen to it, brother, sing another song for my buddies!" The Heavenly Emperor finally found a picture stone, and ran behind God of War .

Dijun passed by with a puzzled look on his face: "What interesting thing happened?"

"You, I missed a good show!" Unable to catch up with the God of War, the Heavenly Emperor stopped and chose to gossip with the emperor about it.

Dijun narrowed his eyes: "Why are you chasing him?"

At this moment, the figure of God of War has turned into a small black spot, almost invisible. Fortunately, the emperor has good eyesight, and he can still see the panic of fleeing from the small black spot.

"I told you..."

The Emperor of Heaven thought that the God of War was usually too cold and alienated from the immortals, so in order to let the God of War blend into the public, he chose to make a loudspeaker out of "helplessness"!

Rumors spread that God of War sang "excellent".

Tianchan came to the God of War, pleading: "Lord God of War, can you sing a song, Xiaoxian heard the singing of the Lord..."

Before the other party finished speaking, God of War turned around and ran away, his back was very embarrassed.

From then on, the rumor that God of War was a god of song spread in the heavens, but no one could ask God of War to open his voice.

Only today, when the little white beast spoke, God of War reluctantly opened his mouth because he couldn't bear her gloomy eyes.

I thought I would be ridiculed mercilessly, but I didn't expect the other party to be so supportive, and even sang along with my own out of tune tune.

"It sounds good! It sounds good!" The little white beast jumped up and down twice, its eyebrows and eyes curved: "Sing it again, I like to hear it!"


She was too excited and excited, which made God of War suspicious, and there was a great possibility of irony.

God of War coughed dryly: "I have a bad throat today, I remembered that I still have something to do, and I will come to you later."

"Ah?" Before the little white beast could react, the God of War had already fled, and he absolutely didn't want to sing it again.

The little white beast tilted its head: "Didn't you say you want to take me to play in the world?"

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