Chapter 1994

Little Taotie carefully counted the things she knew about the little Baibai beast, such as: "Do you have a good friend named Feng Qi?"

For example: "The Lion Clan has Grandfather... Grandpa Ninth..."

The little white beast was taken aback when he heard that.

There are some things that are impossible for others to know, but this "lonely ghost" knows everything.

The little white beast scratched the ground with its small paws, annoyed: "Tell me! How long have you been lurking beside me and spying on me, otherwise you wouldn't be able to know so many things!"

"I didn't. What I said was what I dreamed."

"What's wrong with you?"

"You do not trust me!"

"You are so interesting. Why should I believe you? I don't know you at all. To me, you are a lonely ghost who appeared out of nowhere."

"I can be you anytime."

"You beat me!!! No wonder I was so dizzy just now, I don't remember anything!!!"

"It's not like this……"

Little Taotie retreated with difficulty, and even felt how terrifying the strong wind was coming, and his heart shivered. Once he was hit, it might be very miserable. This idea was so certain.

She didn't know why she was so sure, but she just had this premonition.

The little white beast didn't even say hello, it just rushed over to get its claws.

If the little Taotie didn't run fast, a paw would have greeted the little Taotie's face.

"Don't come here again!"

Little Taotie floated to the highest branch of a tree.

The little white beast climbed the tree, with a fierce tone: "You have been lurking by my side for many years, and you have learned all my habits, is it just to take me away, so that you can keep quiet and not be noticed by anyone, and completely replace me?" ? Let me tell you, it's impossible, even if everyone is deceived by you, God of War will definitely recognize him, he has extremely powerful supernatural powers, no one can deceive him!"

The little Taotie was speechless, sitting on the branch of the tree, sighed: "Forget it, this is just a dream, I was beaten to death by you, maybe I can get out of the dream and wake up."

The little white beast climbed to the highest tree branch, and yelled down with one paw: "I won't let you take me away again!!!"

Little Taotie woke up, yawned, stretched, and muttered: "As I guessed, as long as you die in the dream, you will wake up."

"woke up?"

With a familiar voice, Little Taotie tilted his head: "Uncle Bailu?"

Although she knew that Uncle Bailu had been following her all along, she chose to pretend not to know, to give Uncle Baikou a little face.

Lu Yuan: "Hua Jinyan went to find the treasure, and asked me to take care of you."

"Did he find it?" Little Taotie's eyes lit up, almost forgetting that he was still hunting for treasure.

"There should be some progress. Go find him. He's still on this yacht."

"What about you? Won't Uncle Bailu come with us to find the treasure?"

Lu Yuan raised his forehead: "Whose will it be when we find it?"

"Of course it belongs to you, Uncle Bailu!"

Lu Yuan: "If there is an extra amount of money of unknown origin in my account, it will be investigated. At that time, there will only be fundamental troubles. Do you think I will confess you or not? Once you confess, you can still Hold it?"

Little Taotie: "..."

"Go find it yourself, I'll drink tea here."

"OK then."

Before Xiao Taotie walked out of the cabin, he turned around and worried: "Will my account be monitored?"

"Not now, and since you are a star, it is normal to have a few large sums of money. After all, the advertising fees of some brand spokespersons are tens of millions. Before you become an adult, you should not be monitored."

"I can rest assured that."

Bailu changed the topic: "But it's not absolute."


(End of this chapter)

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