Chapter 1996 The Strange Resurrected Ghost Thing
Little Taotie thought that he would be chased and killed when he entered the dreamland, or would wake up suddenly after being killed every time, so he felt pain in his heart. If he had known earlier, he would not have provoked the little white beast.

"In the future, Feng Qi will kill me too, right?"

Feng Qi and Baibai little beast are friends, and she will definitely kill herself for Baibai little beast, after all, she is a lonely ghost with a blurred face in the dream.

and many more!

Little Taotie's eyes were blank for a moment, and then turned into surprise.

Hua Jinyan was puzzled: "What's wrong?"

Little Taotie's eyes lit up: "I found a way to prove that the dream world was real!"

"any solution?"

Little Taotie smiled mysteriously: "You will find out after a while."

She took out the horse face bell and shook it vigorously.

A fiery red fox floated out from the bell on the horse's face. She shook her head, stared at her eyes, and said angrily, "It's a crime to disturb people's dreams!"

"Don't rush to get angry, I will apologize to you later, you want to tell me, did the little white beast ask you to help hunt down a lonely ghost?"

"Apologize first!"

"Alright, alright."

Little Taotie was helpless, took out her pink crystal box, opened the box, took out a chocolate and handed it over.

Feng Qi walked away, humming twice: "Not enough!"

Little Glutton pursed his lips, reluctantly opened the crystal box again, and took out a second piece of chocolate: "This time, it must be enough."

Seeing her reluctance, Feng Qi felt relieved, took the chocolate away, and reluctantly said: "I forgive you this time."

Little Taotie anxiously asked: "Quickly answer my question, did the little white beast tell you to chase and kill a lonely ghost?"

"Although the memory has been very long, this matter is still fresh in my memory."

Feng Qi narrowed her fox eyes, as if she saw all kinds of things in the past.

"At that time, she came to me suddenly and said that she met a very scary guy. I thought it was an ancient beast that would frighten her like that. Then I saw a little girl floating in the air, and I laughed at her For a long time, because the girl was not lethal at all, I beat her to death with one tail."

Little Taotie was worried: "You... beat her to death with one tail?"

"She is very weak, much weaker than ordinary evil spirits and resentful souls, and she has not reached the level of a ghost king. She can't stand my one-tail attack at all, but the strange thing is, I thought she was gone, but she appeared again after a while. It’s just haunting! I finally understand why a guy who isn’t even afraid of ancient beasts is afraid of a harmless lonely ghost.”

Little Taotie shivered for a moment: "Then what? Do you see her once and kill her once?"

Feng Qi shrugged: "Otherwise? She is so weird, she must be seen and killed once."

Little Taotie let out an "Aw".

Feng Qi was taken aback: "Why are you crying like hell!"

"That's me!"

"What are you talking about, it's inexplicable!"

"That lonely ghost who was killed by you again and again is me!!!"


"Aww, how many times am I going to die in the dream, I'm afraid of dreaming..."

"what are you talking about?"

"When I enter the dreamland, I will become that lonely ghost!"

"Wait, let me clear my mind. You mean, we have killed many times, and you are the ghost thing that can be resurrected every time?"

"Please pay attention to your words, I'm not a ghost! Are you polite!!!"

"Cough! Okay, I'll change the word, the lonely ghost's head office, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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