The real daughter, Xiaotaotie, became popular in the entertainment industry

Chapter 2001 The same appointment in the past and present

Chapter 2001 The same appointment in the past and present
"Have you untied it yet?"

"not yet."

Little Taotie was eager to try: "Then let me try!"

Hua Jinyan handed the Luban lock to Xiao Taotie.

Little Taotie buried himself in research.

While Little Taotie was concentrating on studying Lu Bansuo, Hua Jinyan gave Feng Qi a look.

Feng Qi hoped that she didn't understand this look, but she did.

Her instinctive fear and instinctive obedience.

So she floated out, outside the cabin.

Hua Jinyan had been waiting here for a while, and when he saw her come out, his gaze became indifferent.

Feng Qi didn't dare approach him because of his aura of repelling people thousands of miles away.

Hua Jinyan said coldly: "Tell me, what happened to that iron-eating beast."

Feng Qi sighed: "I escaped the little Taotie's level, but I couldn't escape your level."


"In the beginning, the iron-eating beast was the demon god's pet. It wasn't considered a mount, and it was just kept for fun. Its existence was somewhat similar to that of the little Taotie's previous life, but the name of the little Taotie's previous life was a mount, but it was actually a pet. Not on the battlefield."

Hua Jinyan said in a deep voice, "How can you be sure it's her previous life?"

"She turned into A Piao in the dream, and I did meet her in the past."

"It can only prove that she can go to your past through dreams, but it doesn't mean that she went to the previous life."

Feng Qi was helpless: "Okay, what are you talking about?"

She didn't want to argue with Hua Jin too much.

After all, she only had a guess in her mind, and although the guess was close to ten, it was still a bit uncertain.

"Since it is the demon god's pet, why did you come to the God of War?" Hua Jinyan asked.

Feng Qi hesitated for a moment, but still said truthfully: "Someone is teasing the little Taotie from the previous life—"

Facing Shanghua Jinyan's cold face, Feng Qi changed her words: "Just call her Baibai, that's what I call her sometimes."

Hua Jinyan didn't make a sound, which was a tacit consent.

Feng Qi continued: "At that time, many fighters compared Baibai with the iron-eating beast, saying that they were also kept as pets, and that the iron-eating beast at least had combat power, while Baibai was useless at all."

Hua Jinyan frowned.

"Unconvinced in vain, so I went to confront the iron-eating beast, and today's little Taotie—"

Feng Qi paused, and carefully glanced at Hua Jinyan.

"Go on."

"Then let me tell you, the little Taotie's appointment with that thunder cloud today is similar to the appearance of Bai Bai's appointment with the iron-eating beast back then..."

Hearing this, Hua Jinyan pursed his lips, showing a bit of irritability.

Feng Qi looked at him cautiously, not daring to move.

"Did the Iron Eater lose that battle?"

Feng Qi nodded: "Although the iron-eating beast is not an ancient beast, it is still slightly inferior to the fierce beast Taotie. In addition, the second-generation fierce beast still has the blood of the dragon clan, so its power is only stronger than the Taotie clan. The reason is in vain. She can't go to the battlefield yet, just because she is still in her infancy, and she will become very powerful when she becomes an adult, and can even devour demons when she explodes with full force—"

"Boom!" A thunder from the sky silenced Feng Qi's words.

Little Taotie ran out with Lu Bansuo in his arms, "Is the panda coming again?"

Feng Qi shook her head: "Thunder is simply caused by the restriction of the law of heaven, this time it's not the iron-eating beasts coming to make trouble."

Little Taotie snorted twice: "Yes, it is a troublemaker!"

She went back to continue her research with the Luban lock in her arms.

Hua Jinyan lowered his eyes.

Although Feng Qi's final voice was silenced, he could still guess a little.

The God of War's opponent is the Demon God, and in the end she died to save the God of War, so she must have confronted the Demon God.The one that can even be devoured by a full-force explosion should be the demon god.

(End of this chapter)

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