Feng Qi was stunned for a moment, never expecting that her spirit body could hit the wall.

Even if you can't enter the painting to grab the box, you can only go through it. How can you hit a wall?
Feng Qi stared at the mural with rapt eyebrows.

Little Taotie sighed, and the little milk voice was full of helplessness: "It seems that we can only undo his seal and let him take out the treasure box hidden in the painting."

Feng Qi came back to her senses and asked, "Whose seal will you break?"

Little Taotie pointed with a small finger.

Feng Qi's eyes suddenly widened: "Mountain!"

Little Taotie was dumbfounded.

Hua Jinyan was also taken aback.

They all know that "Shan" is the name of Feng Qi's lover.

But there are only four people in this family portrait, one is the wheelchair man, one is the wheelchair man's brother, and the other is the wheelchair man's parents.

Little Taotie leaned into Hua Jinyan's ear: "Could it be a man in a wheelchair?"

Hua Jinyan shook his head: "Probably not."

Feng Qi had already floated in front of the family portrait mural, she approached the mural, and finally stopped in front of the little boy, trying to touch the little boy with her fluffy little claws.

Before the claw could touch it, it was bounced away by the invisible barrier.

"It's this little boy?" Little Taotie was surprised.

Hua Jinyan frowned: "Didn't you say that he has only one soul in this world?"

Feng Qi shook her head: "I don't know either, but it's obviously him, I can feel his aura, and this face is also very similar to him."

Little Taotie pointed to the man in the wheelchair: "They are twins, and this one is similar."

Feng Qi shook her head: "It's not like that."

Little Taotie's eyes widened: "Obviously they are twins, why don't they look alike?"

She suspected that Feng Qi was talking nonsense with her eyes open.

Feng Qi was silent for a while, and replied: "It was difficult to distinguish when I was a child, but now he still looks like a boy, and this wheelchair man has grown up, and his face has changed. Only the boy's appearance is four or five points similar to Shan of."

"Why is he in the mural?" Feng Qi asked.

Little Taotie shook his head: "I don't know, we guess that he himself sealed himself in the mural."

"how come……"

Little Taotie: "Only by breaking the seal can we release him, and maybe we can get the answer."

Feng Qi didn't dare to get too close to the mural, the barrier on the mural seemed to repel spirits.

This can also explain why for so many years, there is no other reason for A Piao in this dark and humid place. The barrier makes outside A Piao dare not stay. In the end, this place became a restricted area, and A Piao within a hundred miles did not want to come. here.

Feng Qi closed her eyes and opened them again, a fiery red mark appeared between her brows, and those eyes also turned fiery red.

At this moment, everything in her sight has changed, the transparent barrier has a color, and a flaw appears in the fiery red.

She can't break it, so she can only let Hua Jinyan break the seal on her behalf.

Hua Jinyan painted in black according to Feng Qi's instructions. In the end, the hair of the parents on this mural turned black, and the face of the man in the wheelchair was completely blacked out, with no facial features visible.


The mountain shook for a while.

The barrier gradually shattered in Feng Qi's sight, and finally disintegrated and disappeared.

The barrier disappeared, and the dull eyes of the boy in the picture suddenly came alive.

His eyes were in focus, and the eyeballs slowly rolled.

"Are you awake?" Little Taotie asked.

Hua Jinyan took the little Taotie's hand and backed away.

Whether this Ah Piao is a "mountain" is still uncertain. What if they suddenly attack them, it's better to keep a distance.

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