The real daughter, Xiaotaotie, became popular in the entertainment industry

Chapter 2025 Too many boxes and blind boxes are boring

Little Taotie let the flames burn the red gems, and didn't bother with it anymore, but went to open other treasure chests.

Hua Jinyan stood by the fire, watching over the flames, preventing them from burning outside. Would he try dismantling a wooden box and throwing it in.

The basement, which was originally dark, damp and somewhat cold, was now warmed by the flames.

Little Taotie once again fell into the "happiness" of opening the box.

She likes to open blind boxes very much, spend money to open blind boxes, and open some tasteless things that cannot be eaten or used, but she is very happy and has a certain decompression effect.

But this time when he opened the treasure box, he gradually lost his joy and lost himself in opening the blind box.

Prescribing one or two is happiness, and prescribing dozens or hundreds is numbness and unhappiness.

After a few times of "matryoshka" phenomenon, it finally returned to normal. When you open the big box, you can see the contents at a glance.

Most of the previous small boxes or "matryoshka" boxes were filled with gems and jewelry.

On the other hand, the big box is much more practical, full of gold bars!

Little Taotie took out a gold bar with 100 grams engraved on it.

Little Taotie murmured: "It's not much, let's count how many there are."

"one two three four……"

Counting and counting, the little Taotie became confused and gave up with a sigh.

She began to calculate the price of a gram of gold.

"How much is a gram of gold now, is it 300?"

"More than 400, less than 500."

"So expensive?"

"As housing prices fall, gold will naturally rise in price."

Little Taotie weighed the gold bar in his hand: "For 400 grams, 100 grams is 4W!"

Little Taotie looked around, a box was full of gold bars, at least 50 gold bars.

"I want to sleep with them in my arms." Little Taotie said excitedly.

The corner of Hua Jinyan's mouth twitched: "Then I really can't sleep."

"Why can't you sleep?"

"Don't you think it's hard?"

Little Taotie covered his mouth and laughed: "But if you look at them so golden, you want to coil them all up on the bed and lie on them."

Hua Jinyan seemed to have a picture in front of him, Xiao Taotie put all the gold bars on the bed, then climbed onto the bed and lay down on the gold bars.

"I'll take a look at the other boxes." Little Taotie was extremely excited, the gold in this box seemed to have given her blood.

Little Taotie opened the box and looked inside.

She prayed it was still a box of gold.

But the sky failed, and this time it was not gold.

It's a box of diamonds.

Little Taotie was extremely disappointed.

Diamonds used to be very valuable, but now there is a kind of artificial diamond called Moissanite, which suddenly lowers the price of diamonds. Nowadays, unless it is a rare and huge diamond, ordinary small diamonds are like broken diamonds. Not worth the money at all.

Little Taotie sighed, and closed the box, as if he felt uncomfortable just looking at it.

"It would be great if I could come here a few years earlier, before the emergence of Moissanite diamonds. Diamonds were very valuable at that time."

In fact, it didn’t need to be a few years earlier, when Xiao Taotie was filming the Demon Management Bureau, when she endorsed the six-pointed star jewelry, those jewelry were all diamonds, and they were still very valuable at that time.

Who would have thought that diamonds, which had been sitting at high prices, would one day fall from the altar and become cheap items.

Just like in ancient times, glass was very expensive, and colored glaze was exchanged for a thousand pieces of gold, but in modern times, glass colored glaze has become a popular item, which is not uncommon and has become extremely cheap.

Or when there is no artificially cultivated white fungus, all the white fungus can only be collected in the mountains, and the price of white fungus is comparable to gold, and only high-ranking officials can afford it. A bird's nest that is more advanced than white fungus.

Little Taotie opened another box, with a bitter face: "Why are they diamonds again!"

The fun of opening blind boxes is gradually disappearing...

Box after box, box after box... full of diamonds! ! !
The little glutton almost threw the box angrily, and roared: Why do you collect so many of these worthless things!

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