Little Taotie repeatedly apologized: "I'm sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to."

Feng Qi hummed twice, but didn't care about it.

Little Taotie turned to look for Hua Jinyan, and wanted him to come over to confirm if Feng Qi had materialized.

But as soon as he turned around, he saw Hua Jinyan frowning staring at the mural.

She followed Hua Jinyan's gaze and saw that the boy's face in the mural became blurred and his figure became more and more transparent.

"Is he going to disappear?"

Hearing this, Feng Qi looked over, and the fox's face froze instantly, "It's about to disappear..."

The little fox is attached to the mural, it has now materialized, and it cannot touch the phantom in the mural at all.

At this moment, the little boy has turned into an extremely transparent phantom.

"You turned into a beautiful sister, is it also an entity?"

Little Taotie's words reminded her that Feng Qi's body gradually changed and elongated, and the hair on her head turned into red hair.

She became a beauty in costume again.

Little Taotie stretched out his hand to touch it, and his hand slipped through the corner of the beauty's clothes.

A golden light flashed across Xiao Taotie's hand, and he went to grab the clothes corner of the beauty in ancient costume, and caught the entity.

"I'm going in." Feng Qi smiled slightly at the little Taotie.

Little Taotie vaguely had a bad premonition.

"you are leaving?"

Feng Qi nodded: "His appearance helps me materialize, but I can't make him disappear. I have to figure out everything, and I finally understand why he is in the mural, because the mural belongs to another field and is not restricted by the rules of this world , Only if I go in too, can I know more through him."

"In the painting is another world? He won't be struck by lightning?" Little Taotie asked doubtfully.

"It should be like this." Feng Qi nodded.

Hua Jinyan frowned: "Is there any danger after you go in?"

He vaguely felt that Feng Qi was gambling.

Feng Qi was silent for a while, then sighed: "Maybe there will be danger, maybe there is no danger, after all, if I want to enter another space domain, I may be injured by a space storm, or I may stray into another space."

Little Taotie grabbed Feng Qi's hand: "Don't go, okay?"

Feng Qi gently pushed Xiao Taotie's hand away, and pushed her towards Hua Jinyan's direction.

"I am leaving."

Little Taotie reached out to grab it, but it was empty.

Feng Qi has already thrown herself into the mural.

The moment Feng Qi entered the mural, it was like a smear of cinnabar red paint smudged away, and the paint on the mural became alive, as if someone had poured a basin of water on it, and it was completely... washed away.

Little Taotie slapped the wall hard, "Sister Feng Qi, come back, come back quickly!"

The place where she slapped did not have any murals at all, not even a bit of color left, only a stone wall, as if everything was an illusion.

Little Taotie shook the horse face bell vigorously: "Come out, help me find Sister Feng Qi, come out quickly!"

Feng Qi's apprentices and ghost servants came out and floated around where the original mural was, but they couldn't find any entrance.

"Can't you find it?" Little Taotie sat on the ground, stretched out his hand to scratch the wall, and picked out some lime.

Hua Jinyan saw that her nails were split and blood flowed out, so he immediately grabbed her hand and shook his head at her.

The little Taotie shrugged and threw himself on Hua Jinyan.

Hua Jinyan hugged Xiao Taotie, patted her on the back lightly, "Feng Qi will be fine."

Little Taotie cried, "How do you know she's okay?"

Hua Jinyan couldn't explain clearly, but he had a vague feeling that Feng Qi would be fine.

"Don't lie to me, I know she must be in danger."

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