Chapter 203
Deputy editor: "..."

Damn boy, shut up!
Sure enough, boys are so annoying!

The assistant editor-director looked at Xiao Taotie, and asked softly, "What do you think, is Snowflake Crisp too sweet?"

Little Taotie hadn't eaten yet, so he reached out and took a piece, took a bite, narrowed his eyes and turned into a pair of crescent moons, and laughed: "It's delicious! I like it so much! It's not sweet at all! I'm so happy!"

As if she wanted to prove that it was delicious, she took a big bite, her cheeks bulged and her feet dangled, looking extremely happy.

The deputy director was bubbling in his heart: Sure enough, girls know girls best, sweetness is the way to open happiness!

Sure enough, the little gluttonous food is so cute!

Watching her eat, she seems to be hungry too!
so cute!so cute!I really want to steal it home and raise it!
Hua Jinyan put down the Snowflake Crisp that he took a bite out of, and reached for a small biscuit in the shape of an animal. After taking a bite, his brows were immediately wrinkled, and his eyes were full of disgust.

He commented solemnly: "The oven temperature is too high, and the biscuits are hard!"

"Is it hard?" The assistant editor-director looked at Xiao Taotie, who took a bite of a small biscuit, dangling his feet, with deep dimples, looking extremely happy.

Little Taotie met the questioning eyes of the assistant editor-director, and hurriedly shook his head, "It's delicious! It's fragrant and crispy, I like it!"

The deputy director breathed a sigh of relief, and stared at Hua Jinyan unkindly.

This bad boy must have done it on purpose!
Hua Jinyan put down the small biscuit he took a bite out of, and then reached out to get something else. The deputy director was so annoyed by him, he stretched out his hand to whichever fresh-keeping box, and the lid in her hand was covered first.

Hua Jinyan stretched out his hand several times, but every time the box was covered and refused to eat.

Hua Jinyan slowly took off the disposable gloves, "You should relax, accept other people's comments, and make corrections next time."

Listen, what tone is this!
The assistant editor-director was almost pissed off by him!

With a straight face, she told herself in her heart: I want to be bold, not to be as knowledgeable as a child!
Little Taotie stuffed the snacks into his mouth one by one, completely oblivious to the sparks between the two of them.

After a while, the boxes were all empty!

The deputy editor-in-chief was dumbfounded.

She knew that Xiao Taotie ate a lot, but it was just a human design.

After all, she has been in the entertainment industry for a long time, and she has never seen anyone.

Some female celebrities are pretending to be foodies and big eaters. They buy a lot of delicious food in private, take pictures, eat a few bites, and then throw them away.

How can there be such a sincere person who eats all of them?
"Are you all right, doesn't your stomach hurt after eating so much?"

"It doesn't hurt, I'm not full yet!" Little Taotie laughed, that smile was clean and pure, it didn't look like a lie at all.

The director was even more worried: "It really doesn't hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt! If you don't believe me, look!"

Little Taotie lifted up his clothes to show her, his stomach was not even bulging!

The white and tender belly made the director's eyes widen, and he stretched out his hand, wanting to squeeze it.

Hua Jinyan at the side hurriedly reached out to help her take off her clothes and cover them up!

He shook his head: "Don't show your belly, you'll catch a cold."

Little Taotie tilted his head and smiled, pure and sweet: "It's okay, I'm not cold."

The assistant editor-director didn't touch her belly, so she was a little disappointed, but she loved Xiao Taotie even more. She was like a defenseless kitten, she turned over when she was full, revealing her white belly, so cute!
The deputy editor asked enthusiastically: "Do you still want to eat? I still have a lot of snacks!"


"Come on, there's still a lot here. Look at what you want to eat. You can't eat all of it. Leave a little stomach. There will be dinner at night, with hot pot and barbecue!"

"Wow! I like hot pot the most!" The eldest brother and the second brother like to take her to eat hot pot around the pot, saying that it is very lively, hot and delicious.

Little Taotie still ate a lot of snacks, and his stomach was slightly bulging, but he didn't feel as full as eating evil spirit chocolate.

She tugged at Hua Jinyan's sleeve and leaned into his ear: "I want to eat evil spirit chocolate."

(End of this chapter)

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