In the dream, the huge phantom above the ice coffin gradually materialized, and the little Taotie stretched out his small hand to touch it, and it felt like fluffy hair.

"Is it materialized?"

Little Taotie stretched out his arms, rushed over, and hugged the huge white monster.

She was small in stature, and she fell into the fluffy and soft white hair all at once, as if she was caught in a soft cloud.

The fluffy fur tickled her face, and the little Taotie let out a burst of "giggle" laughter, happily rolling in the fur, like rolling in a huge blanket.

"So comfortable~"

"You are like a cloud, I like you so much!"

Little Taotie's eyes are shining brightly, the pupils seem to be filled with countless stars, and the small dimples are deeply sunken, as if they are filled with sweetness.

"Roar!" The giant white beast let out a low growl.

Little Taotie patted it lightly: "Don't be angry, don't be angry, I'm a little sleepy, I want to sleep..."

She lay down in the fluffy white fur and fell asleep, and the little person rolled restlessly in dreams.

The huge white monster shook its fur, the little Taotie was thrown into the air, and a pair of claws stretched out, holding her in the palm of his hand.

It held the little girl and put it in the ice coffin.

The sleeping girl and the little white beast in the ice coffin merged into one.

In the flash of brilliant colorful light, in the ice coffin is a beautiful girl, wearing a illusory glazed dress, holding her hands over her heart, her lips are a little pale, and her eyelashes are like butterfly wings resting quietly.

The butterfly's wings trembled slightly, as if it would fly up at any time, but after waiting for a long time, a layer of mist rose from the ice coffin, and the girl's face could not be seen clearly, and the butterfly did not fly up.

The little Taotie who fell into a dream was lying on the feather bed again, and there was a fiery red fox lying on the head of the bed. Seeing her wake up, he sighed: "Someone compares you with that stupid bear, what do you think?"

"Bear?" Little Taotie didn't understand.

"That iron-eating beast is just a demon god's beast, not even a mount, so how can it be compared with you."

Little Taotie frowned: "You mean... a panda?"

"Cat? Tsk, it does! I heard that it looks like a cat around the demon god, it's just a pet beast."

Little Taotie pursed his lips and was about to speak when he floated up and became a bystander in the dream.

The little girl turned back into a little white beast. It raised its head to look at A Piao who was on the top of the bed, and said angrily, "Why aren't you dead yet!?"

Little Taotie was stunned, but her face was blurred in the eyes of Baibai Xiaoshou and Feng Qi.

Little Taotie pointed to himself: "Can you see me?"

Feng Qi frowned: "Last time, I obviously caught her to death."

The little white beast was angry: "Last time, I whipped her to death with one tail."

Feng Qi sighed: "Last time, last time, I burned her to death."

The little white beast bared its teeth: "Last time, last time, I bit her to death."

Following their words, many memories inexplicably filled Xiao Taotie's mind.

Those memories are all kinds of pictures of her becoming A Piao and appearing next to Baibai little beast, and Baibai little beast and Feng Qi killing her in "fancy ways".

Xiao Taotie has experienced countless times of death and resurrection in these pictures, and has some insights.

The little white beast was angry: "She is practicing!"

Feng Qi frowned: "She seems to have realized something."

Baibai little beast: "Why can't I kill her, but always haunts her. What is it? Is it really A Piao?"

Feng Qi: "Ask the God of War?"

The little white beast waved its paws: "He is very busy, I can handle this small matter by myself, don't bother him."

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