After Yuanyuan was dismissed by Shen Cang, the big white wolf finished eating the chicken bones, which relieved his hunger.

Little Taotie pointed to the fox dog, and the big white wolf roared: "Speak!"

It must be terrified to switch to a real fox dog. This fox dog just gave it a fierce look and said, "Wow, woof..."

Little Taotie asked, "What did it say?"

Big White Wolf: "It warned me not to be arrogant, what a stupid dog."

Little Taotie: "Is there anything else?"

"It said it was called Baishuang, and now its spirit body is weak. After signing the master-servant contract, there is no need for translation."

Little Taotie picked up the fox dog and asked, "As long as you sign the master-servant contract, can I understand you barking?"

Foxdog nodded his head.

Big White Wolf rolled his eyes: "I want to sign too."

The fox dog roared: "Wow, woof, woof——"

The big white wolf snorted twice, ignored the fox dog, and just stared at the little Taotie with a pair of pitiful eyes full of longing and anticipation: "I came back with you, and I only recognize you as the master from the beginning to the end."

Although many people in the seventh team took it to do missions, it adhered to the principle of throwing it away when it was used up. When it got delicious food from the opponent, it treated them with an indifferent back.

Little Taotie hesitated for a moment: "I... don't know how much I can sign."

The fox dog barks.

What Bai Shuang wants to convey is: "You have three souls and seven souls, and there are not many contracts you can bear. You can only sign a master-servant contract."

The translation of the big white wolf is: "It said that you can sign two. It is very weak now, so it needs to rest and sign later. You can sign with me first, because I am stronger, and it can also be used as an experiment."

Little Taotie thinks it makes sense, now that Bai Shuang can't even speak human words, the spirit must be extremely weak, and immediately signing the master-servant contract may do some harm to Bai Shuang.

It was also the first time for me to sign a master-servant contract. If I didn't grasp it well, maybe Bai Shuang would be injured because of it.

Dabai looks very strong, so he should be fine as a trainer, right?
Little Taotie patted the head of the big white wolf: "It might be a little dangerous, aren't you afraid?"

The great white wolf raised his neck with a haughty look on his face: "I! I am! A wolf! I am fearless!"

Little Taotie was amused by it: "Alright then, let's start with you."

Bai Shuang was in a hurry, wishing to kill this bastard wolf who translated randomly!
"Woof woof - woof woof -"

"Bai Shuang, don't worry, I'm not sure, let's start with Dabai first, and when I'm sure, I'll make a contract with you."

"Wow woof woof!!!" When you are sure, the contract will be broken!

Little Taotie was puzzled: "What did it say? It looks very excited, what is it anxious about?"

"It's very kind, and I'm afraid that I might make any mistakes." The big white wolf sighed, and said kindly to the fox dog: "Don't worry, I'll be fine. You are younger than me, so the big brother will rush ahead in this danger! "

"Woof woof!!!" Bastard!asshole!Black Heart Wolf!damn thing!

The great white wolf grinned: "It's thanking me!"

The fox dog bit the little Taotie's clothes with all his strength, and shook his head vigorously.

Little Taotie blinked, with a dazed look on his face.

Hua Jinyan said with a sullen face: "It doesn't seem to agree with what you translated, what is it talking about?"

Little Taotie was taken aback for a moment, but also realized: "Dabai, are you fooling me?"

The great white wolf drooped his head, his face was hurt, and his eyes were extremely innocent.

The fox dog bared its fangs and claws in the direction of the big white wolf. It was fierce and fierce, as if it wanted to pounce on it and bite it.

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