Little Taotie saw Qingluan open the paper crane, and the paper crane turned into a talisman paper filled with runes. Qingluan pasted the talisman paper on his forehead, and instantly became—the God of War!
Eyes are the windows to the soul.

Even wearing armor and a helmet, those exposed eyes will betray him.

But because of the talisman paper transformed by the paper crane, every detail of Qingluan's eyes, even the pupils, was exactly the same as that of the God of War.

It's like copying and pasting when making a picture.

The little Taotie was closer, so he could see it more clearly, it was exactly the same!
If the same two gods of war appeared in front of her, it would be difficult for her to tell the truth from the fake.

Qingluan walked towards the outside of the main hall, when all the immortals saw him, they saluted one after another.

"See God of War."

"God of War, are you here too?"

"I knew you would come, Xuannv's birthday, God of War could never be absent."

"The God of War really treats Xuannv very differently. He will come to celebrate Xuannv's birthday even after leaving the war behind."

"I heard that God of War and Xuannv grew up together."

"Not really, it seems that I was a childhood sweetheart in one life."

"Your news is all wrong! If you want to become a god, everyone's test is different, but what the God of War encountered was love robbery!"

"There is a story! Tell me!"

"Keep your voice down, don't call them by their names!"

"The God of War is a man, and the Xuannv is a woman. I'm going to start talking! The man went down to the world to experience calamity, and the woman followed him. In order to help him overcome the calamity, he turned into a person who hurt him, let him see through the world, and killed his wife to testify."

"Did I hear you right! God of War? Killing his wife to prove the truth? In other words, Xuannv is that wife?"

"Hush! I told you not to call out your famous title!"

"It's my fault, it's my fault! I mean, the man who kills his wife to preach the Tao is the one who kills the woman?"

"It should be, that's what Siming said. Back then, the Divine Lord Si Ming personally wrote the script for the God of War Li Jie, so everything is under the control of the Divine Lord Siming."

"The Lord Siming is also here today, go ask him?"

"He can really talk?"

"Don't worry, Lord Siming likes to talk about his scripts the most, especially those scripts that help people become gods, they are all his capital to show off!"

"Ming Shenjun, hurry up, here, here!"

"What did you call me over here? There's good wine there, but you only have some fruits to eat here. It's really boring."

"It's hard to drink, I'll make you a glass of ready-made fruit wine."

"So good? Rape or steal! What do you want to ask me?"

"Nothing can be hidden from God Commander Siming. We want to hear the script you wrote for the god of war to become a god. I heard that it is a script for killing your wife to prove the Tao and saving love?"

Lord Siming almost choked to death with a sip of fruit wine, and coughed, "Are you fools? Do you believe in such rumors? The God of War is the ten thousand-year iron tree, how could it be blooming! No, it seems to be blooming recently, and I like his mount .”

"That's just a pet beast, and the God of War should be just a plaything on a whim, right? We want to know, when the God of War went down to the lower realm, did Xuannv follow him? Did you add any drama for Xuannv in your script?"

"How is it possible? At that time, I was not a god, but just a little fairy in the Siming Palace. At that time, the God of War was not a god, and Xuannv was already a god. I couldn't possibly have the right to add Xuannv to it, let alone Maybe you can ask Xuannv to help the God of War to overcome the calamity."

"So, the rumors are all false? We've all heard a lonely thing? Killing your wife to prove the way, and the mysterious girl chasing your husband thousands of miles away, are they all lies?"

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