Little Taotie wakes up, but doesn't see the Hua Hua he was expecting to see.

Facing Shang Huazhan's overly handsome face, Little Taotie was stunned for a moment.

If it wasn't for the scar at the corner of his eye reminding her that this is not Huahua, Little Taotie would hardly be able to tell the difference between the two.

Because Hua Zhan is not like what he was at first, but like Hua Hua, his eyes are always full of warmth and deep love.

They... are getting more and more alike, not only the appearance is exactly the same, but also the eyes are gradually similar, and the feeling to her is also gradually similar...

"What's going on? Didn't you say it's fine?" Hua Zhan suddenly grabbed the doctor's collar violently.

"This..." The doctor coughed: "Sir, if you have something to say..."

The little Taotie looked at Hua Zhan in a daze, and soon lowered his cat's head, thinking: Look, it's not like that now, Hua Hua won't be so violent.

"It's okay, the inspection report is normal." The doctor took the report and explained.

Little Taotie jumped off the kitten's hospital bed, as if to prove that the doctor was right, that everything was fine.

There are even pictures!

On this day, Xiao Taotie was biting the document in the study as usual, but a few words were reflected in the cat's pupils, and the pupils dilated!

In order to annoy Hua Zhan and want to see him angry and furious, Kitty started to sabotage.

Clone Project!

In the past, Hua Zhan would definitely be furious, and then yell.

"You can't be fat anymore, you have to lose weight."

"Did you see it? You are really different from ordinary cats. You seem to understand it. Do you know what I am going to do?"

"A cat's lifespan is too short."

Clones - cats!

He became cautious and learned cooking skills, making weight loss packages for kittens.

Hua Zhan's hands that cut the chicken breast trembled slightly, his knuckles turned white.

In this world, only it can make him feel warm.

Crushed his papers, scratched his clothes, peed on his bed...


Little Taotie raised his head to the sky and roared angrily.

He tried to pick up the kitten, but the kitten avoided him.

Little Taotie jumped onto the table, stomping on the paw prints, leaving rows of cat paw prints on the documents.

"Oh?!" Little Taotie was puzzled, tilting his head and staring at him.

Little Taotie was so ashamed, he did everything, but this guy just didn't get angry!

"If you're slim, you'll be healthy, and you can... live longer."

"I can not live without you……"

A man walked out from behind the bookcase. He was tall, handsome, with deep eyes and three-dimensional features.

"You will die."

It's her white and fat cat body! ! !
What does this bastard want to do, want to clone this cat! ! !

But this time he was very quiet, and even smiled and said, "Like stepping on paper? I'll buy you some colored paper."

Back home, Hua Zhan held the kitten and did not let go, as if he would lose it forever if he let go.

But cats have a very short lifespan.

She doesn't want to see Hua Zhan who looks more and more like Hua Hua, which will make her unclear. Only by angering Hua Zhan, and seeing an angry Hua Zhan, can she clearly remind herself that they are not alone.


He almost lost it.

"Ow!" So you are crazy and want to copy this cat!

"I clone a cat, but it's not you, I know, it won't be you."

"Ow!" There is no substitute for this cat.

"So I thought about it. The cat cloning plan needs to be completed. When your organs get old, you can replace them with new ones. In this can always live and stay with me."

"Aw!!!" Desperate! ! !

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