Chapter 207 Performing on the same stage with Ino

There was a lot of noise in the audience, and when the live audience on the other side of the screen heard the sound of typing keyboards, everyone saw the projection screen.

Sitting on the sofa, Xiao Taotie sighed softly as he watched the girl who was constantly practicing dancing in the video, imitating an adult and playing the role of a housekeeper, "Miss can obviously inherit the family business without any worries, eat and drink every day Have fun, why do you want to participate in this show, it's so hard and tiring."

The maid played by Amanda is sweeping the floor. Looking at the dancer in the video, she recalls every bit of getting along with Eno. Her eyes are red and her voice is hoarse: "She is working hard for her dream!"

"Today, the quota for debut can be decided. Do you think Miss can make her debut?" Little Taotie asked.

Amanda shook her head and said in a low voice, "I don't know either."

Little Taotie asked: "Did you vote for Miss?"

Amanda took out her mobile phone and voted quickly. The picture on Amanda's mobile phone appeared on the casting screen. She entered the official website, found Yinuo's name, and cast a vote.

"Miss' hard work will definitely be seen by everyone! Miss will definitely be able to fulfill her dream and make her debut!" Amanda said with tears in her eyes.

Little Taotie began to undress on the spot.

Everyone opened their eyes wide in surprise.

Little Taotie took off his tuxedo and wore a dancing skirt underneath.

Little Taotie ran to the door, pretended to knock on the door, and shouted: "I'm little Taotie, I'm here to find sister Yinuo! Is sister Yinuo at home?"

The maid played by Amanda opened the door and shook her head apologetically: "Miss is not at home, she is going to participate in the talent show."

"I also want to invite sister Ino to participate in the 'Looking for the Heroine' program and perform a show with me!"

"Then wait, I'll call and ask Miss."

Amanda seems to have really got through the phone, and started communicating with the other end of the phone, "Hey, Miss, Little Taotie came to see you, and wants to invite you to participate in the 'Looking for the Heroine' show, and perform a show with her, are you free? ?"

"Oh, your rehearsal time is already full, and you can't find time!"

"Okay, I'll tell her the truth."

Amanda turned off the phone, but just hung up the phone, when she wanted to explain the situation to Xiao Taotie, the phone rang, she smiled apologetically at Xiao Taotie, and connected the phone.

"Hey, miss, what else can I say?"

"It turned out to be like this, what a coincidence!"

After hanging up the phone, Amanda couldn't hide her excitement and said, "The two shows will be merged into one episode, and you will be able to perform with Miss at that time."

Little Taotie let out a cheer.

Amanda retreated quietly and hid behind the sofa, where the audience couldn't see.

The stage lights dimmed slowly, and Xiao Taotie began to dance, the dance was the same as the dance of the girl in the video.

The little Taotie spun and jumped to the side of the video, suddenly, the video went dark, the lights converged on the side of the little Taotie, and a person appeared.

It's the one who made it out with lights——Ino!
Ino stretched out his hand, and Little Taotie put his hand on it lightly.

Little Taotie tilted his head to look at her: "Beautiful young lady, shall we dance together?"

"Okay!" A laugh came out.

This is the sound picked up from Ino's previous video material.

On the stage, Xiao Taotie danced with Yinuo played by the light, the music stopped, the light turned into countless butterflies and scattered, and Yinuo disappeared as if turned into a butterfly in front of everyone.

The video was played again on the big screen, which was the content of the interview with Eno.

The host asked: "What is your dream?"

Eno smiled brightly, and replied confidently: "I want to debut and become the brightest star!"

Host: "Good luck!"

The video on the big screen changed, to Eno falling down again and again and trying to stand up, and Eno getting up early in the morning to sing, his voice had been practiced to the breaking point, and Eno performing again and again in front of the mirror. Happy, angry, sad, happy!

Facing the mirror, she smiled softly, that smile was as clean and beautiful as a blooming tulip, full of charm and fresh charm.

(End of this chapter)

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