Chapter 2086 The condition is to win five people
The five elder brothers are going to fight, and if they want to marry their baby sister, they must win them.

Hua Jinyan smiled bitterly: "How can I win you?"

Cheng Guodong raised his neck: "Money is more than me."

Qin Xin smiled and said, "Just a little better than me in investing."

Gu Yixing sneered: "Can you be more popular than me?"

Tao Shen pushed his glasses: "Do scientific research, can you?"

Tao Bin, who was playing with the latest weapons, giggled: "I'm not good at anything, but I know a little bit of everything, and I won't make it difficult for you. In making weapons or martial arts, just beat me in one item."

Five pairs of eyes stared at Hua Jinyan, as long as this kid dared to show the slightest sign of retreating, this kid was not someone who could be trusted for life.

Under the night, the man raised his head, his eyes were calm and deep, he exuded a leadership aura, a resolute face, and a tough outline, not the mainstream handsome man at the moment, but a majestic and convincing look of a superior, Feel the toughness of security.

Compared to a thin and well-mannered man, he is more like a general on the battlefield.

Thick eyebrows with sharp blades, a tall and heroic nose that is as straight as a sword's edge, sharp-edged lips, and serious eyes that look deep, like a thousand-year-old well that cannot be seen to the bottom, so deep that it is hard to fathom.

The five gasped.

Gu Yixing coughed dryly: "Don't look at us with such murderous eyes!"

Cheng Guodong: "We are your uncle! Don't look at us like ants, who do you think you are!"

Tao Shen frowned tightly.

Tao Bin leaned into his brother's ear and whispered: "A gossip, this year, the youngest general in Hua Kingdom's history appeared."

Qin Xin was standing next to Tao Bin, Tao Bin's muttering sound came into his ears, Qin Xin took a deep breath.

He is the most astute investor and has the widest news network. In fact, he has heard this news, but he didn't take it seriously at the time.

But now that these words come from Tao Bin's mouth, the credibility is increased, because Tao Bin came out of the army.

The five people looked at each other, and finally Cheng Guodong stood up as a representative, tried his best to put on the aura of an uncle, with a serious face and voice, and said bravely: "We are not targeting you alone."

"Whoever wants to marry our baby sister, we will make these demands."

"After all, if we can't even compare with our fifth brother, what qualifications do we have to talk about protecting our sister?"

The five stood in a row, and five pairs of eyes looked at the past without fear. This time, they did not shrink back because of the threat in Hua Jinyan's eyes, but looked straight ahead.

Hua Jinyan curled up the corners of his mouth unobtrusively.

At this moment, what he seemed to see were five giants with firm eyes, and they were only guarding lions.

Seems like seeing back then...

The male lion of the lion family guarding the little white beast.

It's just that war... the entire Lion Clan, there is not much left.

For these years, every night, he would enter the dreamland, just like the dreams that Xiao Taotie once entered, but from a different angle, he entered those dreams from the perspective of the god of war to understand the truth of the matter.

He gradually regained the memory of the God of War, and he also knew the cruelty of the war that year.

Xiao Taotie protected him by self-destructing, blocked the joint blow of five people from the outer domain for him, and took the lives of three outsiders, and the remaining two were also scarred.

Seeing Xiao Taotie's heroic sacrifice, the lion clan went crazy, regardless of the disparity in strength, they all rushed over and dragged out the two injured.

This also gave the God of War time to block the space gap, and block the entrance of those coming from the outer domain to enter the three thousand world.

(End of this chapter)

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