Chapter 2091 Feelings for the Emperor of Heaven

Little Taotie waited for a long time outside the lounge, she knew that Huahua's sudden marriage proposal would scare the five older brothers, and they would definitely deal with it severely.

It's just that it took too long to go in, right?
She looked at the hands of the watch and frowned slightly.

When the pointer stopped at zero, Little Taotie felt a twitch in his heart, a feeling of suffocation, which was very short-lived.


The door opened.

What came into view was Cheng Guodong's frightened and pale face.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Could it be that Huahua is so bold that he really fights with his elder brother?

Cheng Guodong's lips trembled, and he struggled to make a sound: "Tao Shen, Tao Bin... are gone."

Little Taotie stumbled into the lounge and saw two people lying on the ground with stiff limbs and pale and bloodless faces.

Hua Jinyan has already contacted the doctor, and a doctor will come over soon.

It's just...he has checked the two of them just now, and there are no signs of life at all.

If what the two said before their death is true, it should be that the soul was summoned away, so they died instantly.

After a series of rescues, the doctor finally shook his head at the Tao family.

Little Taotie hid at the door, not knowing how to face his elderly grandparents.

Hua Jinyan took her by the hand and took her to the rooftop of the hospital.

The night sky was covered with dark clouds, the moonlight was blocked by dark clouds, and the dark night was quiet and suffocating.

Suddenly, it started to rain lightly.

Little Taotie did not have the idea of ​​hiding from the rain, but calmed down because of the rain.

The cold rain hit her face, and she couldn't tell whether it was rain or tears on her face. The water droplets fell from the corners of her eyes, and fell all the way down her delicate outline, wetting the gauze dress on her body.

Hua Jinyan hurriedly took off his coat and put it on her shoulders, and hoarsely advised, "Hide away from the rain?"

Little Taotie shook his head, instead he raised his head and let the rainwater hit his face, hoping that it would be more violent and there would be a downpour.

"They... just went back to the Heavenly Emperor."

"You just said that."

"But you didn't think about it."

Little Taotie turned his head to look at him, with sadness in his eyes, "It will take me some time to think about it. Intellectually, I am very clear that they are just going back to the Heavenly Emperor, and the three souls are one. But emotionally, for me, My two older brothers have passed away."


"You're getting less and less cute."

Hua Jinyan was startled, and looked at her suspiciously.

Little Taotie shook his head and looked at the night sky.

After a rain, the dark clouds dissipated, revealing the crescent moon and the sporadic stars beside the crescent moon. Although the stars were dim, they tried their best to guard the crescent moon and radiate light as much as possible.

"When I was young, they found me and didn't force me to go back to Tao's house. Brother Shen and Brother Bin never bothered me too much, but they also silently guarded me in their way.

I'm actually not familiar with the Emperor of Heaven, maybe it was because of my self-destruction to save the world back then, so I split up two ways to look for me, hoping to help me collect all three souls and seven souls.He may have done all this out of morality, but after so many years and so many worlds, it is impossible for me not to have a little affection for him. "

The primordial spirit was restored, and the three souls and seven souls were returned to one. She not only remembered the memory of the little white beast, but also recalled the memories of every reincarnation in so many lifetimes of searching for the three souls and seven souls.

Three souls and seven souls, a total of ten reincarnations, including the reincarnation of Her Highness the Princess.

It's just that in every reincarnation, there are people who obstruct it. It can be seen that the obstructers are Xuannv and Qingluan. In fact, this life is the last life, and it is actually a failure.

The so-called rebirth of Brother Gentleman is actually not the rebirth of Brother Gentleman at all, but that the Heavenly Emperor used a method against the sky to reverse time and let one of the distractions have a memory.

Without this act of the Emperor of Heaven, Little Taotie would have ceased to exist long ago, and his soul would have already disappeared in this world.

(End of this chapter)

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