The real daughter, Xiaotaotie, became popular in the entertainment industry

Chapter 2093 I want to take the initiative to find Xuannv

Chapter 2093 I want to take the initiative to find Xuannv

"Actually, I didn't understand it all the time, maybe... she also encountered her troubles." Little Taotie looked at the black-screen TV, his gaze deepened.

"You look a little scary." The fox dog instinctively stepped back several times.

Little Taotie laughed: "I still remember your contempt for God of War's mount when you were Qingqiu Emperor Ji, by the way, I also remember very clearly how pitiful you were before."

"Alas! Don't turn over old accounts, I know I was wrong!"

The fox dog followed the example of a human and said goodbye.

"Back then, I was fooled by lard, and my stupidity was used by Xuannv..."

Little Taotie nodded: "Therefore, I should go to Xuannv to settle the score."

"Ah? I didn't quarrel! I didn't encourage you to go to Xuannv to settle accounts! You have to think about it, don't provoke Xuannv! In this world, Xuannv may be just a mortal, and may not be as good as you, But she is a god in heaven! Unless you never leave here, how is that possible? You stay here because of your relatives and friends here, but you are a gluttonous clan, and your physical body is the daughter of an emperor. The kind of immortality that can live for thousands of years, when your relatives and friends are all dead, what are you still doing in this world..."

Little Taotie raised his forehead: "I just said something, but you talk a lot."

The fox dog shut up and looked at her pitifully.

Those doggy eyes are pathetic.

Little Taotie was angry: "You used to be a woman, you were pitiful for men, but now you are a dog, who is pitiful for you?"

"Let me show you!" The fox dog jumped onto the sofa, laying on the little Taotie's hand, and said softly, "Don't provoke Xuannv, it won't be too late to settle accounts with her after you become a god, you are the daughter of the emperor, and you Soul of gluttony, if you work hard, your cultivation will improve by leaps and bounds, and it is not difficult to become a god."

"It's easy for you to say."

"The main reason why your cultivation base is advancing slowly now is because the aura in this world is thin. As long as you leave here and return to the heavenly realm..."

"Don't talk about it, the debts here are settled here, and the previous debts will be settled with her in the heaven."

"You still haven't given up taking the initiative to find Xuannv to settle accounts?" Fox Dog sighed bitterly: "Xuannv didn't look for you, but you still rushed to find her. Isn't this courting death? You also know that you failed because of her in the first ten lives. Yes, it's not easy to gather all three souls and seven souls in this life, is she going to break them up again?"

The corner of Xiao Taotie's mouth twitched: "Can you expect me to order?"

"I don't want to be so pessimistic, but..." Foxdog's dog looked up and down at Little Taotie: "You don't look like Xuannv's opponent."

"Don't look down on people!"

"My pair of eyes are indeed dogs, but I looked up at you."

"Your dog nose can find Xuannv."

"No...can't find it." The fox dog's eyes flickered.


"No...not lying."

"Bai Shuang, most of your strength has recovered. I don't believe that you can't find Xuannv. You'd better be honest. Don't forget that you signed a master-servant contract with me."

"I know, I know, I'm not afraid that something will happen to you! Go to the opposite side to discuss with God of War, and then make a decision, okay?"

"No, I will make my own decision, and I order you to find Xuannv immediately."

"Hey, why are you rushing to find trouble?"

"Are you sure you're not worthy?" Little Taotie's eyes became dangerous.

The fox dog felt the oppression from the soul, and quickly changed his words: "I will take you to find her, right away."

"That's not necessary. It won't be too late to find her after my two elder brothers have passed the first seven days."

(End of this chapter)

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