"If there is nothing wrong, I will hang up first."

Before Xie Yixian agreed, she had already hung up the video.

Xie Yixian stared at the blacked-out screen for a long time, and finally let out a breath.

He has many ways to snatch her from Hua Jinyan, and he has thought about getting her, whether she wants it or not.

But in the end... She couldn't resist a faint look in her eyes, as if she could see through all his despicable thoughts.

He knew that as long as he did any of the things he wanted to do that forced her, she would never look at him again, and begrudge him a look and a smile.

"How on earth should I treat you well?"

"Just friends, I know just friends."

"But I can't do it, I can't just treat you as a friend."

"I like you, I like you crazily, I want to monopolize you crazily... But I know this is impossible."

"What's so good about Hua Jinyan!"

"Crack!" He slammed his phone on the ground, his face became ferociously distorted: "Is it just because he appeared by your side earlier than me? Is it just because I was late? Why! Why can't you look more, why can't you give What about my chance to compete fairly with him?"

She reminded herself time and time again that the relationship between them was just friends, and she just rejected him directly and didn't give him any chance.

She was also warning herself that if she crossed the line, she would not even be a friend.

But for Hua Jinyan, she is always so tolerant, she is obviously not even a boyfriend or girlfriend, why can that guy propose marriage, and do all the things that he wants to do but dare not do, and get her forgiveness?

She didn't agree, but she didn't refuse either!

It's giving him a chance!

Why can't you give yourself a chance!
"Where did I lose to him?"

"Because, you are too weak." A voice full of bewitchment sounded.

He raised his head and saw a huge black shadow.

In fact, after eating the chocolate given by Xiao Taotie that time, he realized that he was different from ordinary people.

Since then, these inexplicable things have always come to the door.

They euphemistically say: make a deal with the devil, and you can get everything you want.

But what he wanted was never money, not power, just... her.

It was impossible for these things to get close to her, they would just be smashed apart by her punch, and their souls would be scattered, so how could they help themselves to get her.

So he never bothered to say a word with these things.

"You obviously saw me and heard what I said."

"Why don't you consider working with us?"

"Everything you want, I can satisfy you! As long as you lend me your body, you can get everything you want..."

The giant black shadow approached him, bewitching him constantly.

Unmoved, he seemed deaf and blind, and went straight through the great shadow, going about his business.

"Damn! You stupid guy! A gap in the boundary has appeared, you are all going to die, all of you are going to die!"

Xie Yixian secretly memorized these key words, but remained indifferent.

After Tao Gentleman Tao Bin was buried, Little Taotie put chrysanthemums in front of their graves, bowed and left.

She knew that the two elder brothers were not actually dead, so she looked up at the sky, as if looking at the heaven through thick clouds, at the elder brother of the Heavenly Emperor.


The Emperor of Heaven felt his hairs stand on end and felt uncomfortable.

Dijun filled a glass of wine and narrowed his eyes: "What's wrong?"

The Emperor of Heaven shook his head: "Ignore."

Dijun: "Unexpectedly, for so many years, you have only one soul and seven souls. No wonder you are a bit stupid. Now that you have all three souls and seven souls, you have some brains."

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