"The flaw? Then you found the flaw now? Or did you leave the Nine Heavens Xuannv to torture him? There is nothing, you are still pretending here!"


"What are you! You are still a god-man left from ancient times, returning to the emperor, bullshit!"

"You are presumptuous!"

"I am the Emperor of Heaven, I am equal to you, what am I presumptuous, you have no right to call me presumptuous!"

Dijun took a deep breath: "I don't have the same knowledge as you."

If it wasn't for the sake of brewing an heir, he wouldn't retreat in strength.

The bastard doesn't know anything.

The emperor's figure flashed, and he took a step and left.

The Emperor of Heaven was furious, and shouted: "A turtle with a shrunken head, why are you running away! Who will clean up this mess?"

From far away, a question suddenly floated: "Don't you want to take care of everything? Aren't you the best in chaos? It's better to let go of your responsibilities and be that carefree person! You don't want to be the emperor of heaven for a long time. ? Now, for what?"

The Emperor of Heaven was stunned.

After a long time, he cursed secretly: "If I had known that these two soul divisions had such a great influence on me, I wouldn't have sent them out!"

A total of eleven lives, when they returned to their original bodies, the reincarnation of the eleven lives was also revived.

In these eleven lives, Tao Shen and Tao Bin have become different people, but in the end they are all people who serve the country and have a great sense of responsibility.

For example, in this life, Tao Shen became a scientific researcher, Tao Bin became a soldier, and later became a weapon expert. They are all very righteous people.

The Emperor of Heaven sighed, turned around and went to the crack in the Outer Domain.


The moment when the crack becomes a breach, under this universe, every planet has changed.

On some planets, extraterrestrial meteorites have fallen.

Some planets have large-scale earthquakes.

Some planets have tsunamis.

Some planets have revived spiritual energy...

Some have become the birthplace of revival of spiritual energy, while others have become the end of the world due to natural and man-made disasters...

Under the recovery of spiritual energy, human beings have various abilities.

And in the last days, supernatural powers also appeared.


Blue Star, where Little Taotie lives, has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

On a planet with thin spiritual energy, countless huge eddies appeared on the sea surface, and the tide of spiritual energy came...

The major media began to report that supernatural beings appeared on a large scale around the world.

A small number of people with supernatural powers who were hiding in the dark appeared in front of people, arresting those who had just awakened their supernatural powers, or those who couldn't control the riot, or those who used their supernatural powers to do illegal things indiscriminately.

"I thought I became a savior! It turns out...there are many supernatural beings in this world?"

"Brother, listen to your words, are you awakened too?"

"Are you awake too?"

"Hmm! I've awakened a half-life soul beast, and I'm a beast master!"

"Hey, I'm stronger than you, I don't rely on others, I rely entirely on myself, I'm a strong man!"

Some of the people who watched the rioters being taken away started chatting, and everyone around them joined in.

"I'm also awakened. My ability is to grow everything, although it grows a bit slowly."

"Hahaha, I am a water power, and I will show you one."

I saw the man stretch out his little finger, and water came out from between the nails, drop by drop, pitifully, less than the tears from crying.

"Pfft! You can be regarded as a supernatural power. I pee more than you in a single bath!"

"This is spiritual water! I'm not so smart! You are so arrogant, what kind of power have you awakened?"

"Me! Guess!"

"Say it!"

"Hey, I'm poisonous!"

"Looking at you like this, it looks quite poisonous."

"No, I mean, I can release poison! The ability is to release poison!"


"Uh... Although the method is a bit wretched, but the effect is quite good, I'll give you one."




The man ran two steps and was fainted on the spot.

The surrounding crowd fainted.

The man patted his buttocks and smiled evilly: "A group of lambs, fell into my hands!"

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