Chapter 212 How about being my apprentice?

In the quaint courtyard, through the rockery and flowing water, you can see a lotus pond with red koi in it, and a man is standing there feeding the fish.

The housekeeper in the tunic suit led them to the lotus pond. Cheng Guodong, Qin Xin, Hua Jinyan, and Xiao Taotie didn't disturb each other's interest in feeding the fish.

The butler stepped forward and said something, only to see the person with his back to them nodded, and the butler withdrew.

The man threw out all the fish food in his hand and turned around slowly.

Little Taotie's eyes widened in surprise.

Hua Jinyan was also stunned.

Appearing in front of them was a man with a horse face mask.

The mask is not the same as that of King Ma Mian Ming, the color is lighter and the pattern is not so complicated and simple.

"It seems that we are very destined, little beast."

"This voice!" Little Taotie's eyes became rounder, and his small mouth opened slightly, full of surprise.

Cheng Guodong was surprised: "You know each other?"

The man chuckled: "You can say you know each other, or you can say you don't."

The man led them into the gazebo beside them. There were exactly five cups on the table, and there was water in the cups.

Cheng Guodong: "I'll tell you the specific situation on the phone."

The man nodded: "The so-called evil spirit chocolate, let me have a look."

Little Taotie reluctantly took out the smallest piece of chocolate from his pocket and handed it over, his little brows were frowned, feeling aggrieved.

When the man took the chocolate, his body sent a signal for a moment, making him feel hungry.


As an adult, he hadn't experienced this feeling in a long time.

He took a deep look at the evil spirit chocolate in his hand, and handed it back.

Little Taotie took it in a daze, and asked, "Have you finished your research?"

The man nodded: "It's okay, it's very good for us Taoists."

Hearing this, Cheng Guodong and Qin Xin were truly relieved.

"Then we'll take our leave." Cheng Guodong stood up and was about to leave.

"Don't worry, stay and have a meal."

Cheng Guodong heard that the consulting fee of the other party was tens of thousands per minute, and he was very busy every day. He never got close to the visitors, and it was impossible to keep a meal.

But what's going on today, he took the initiative to leave a meal!
The man looked at Little Taotie, his voice was soft and gentle, "Let's stay for a meal, there are many foods that are beneficial to us Taoists."

Cheng Guodong, who originally wanted to take his sister away, hesitated, and was also curious about what food was suitable for Taoists to practice, so he agreed to stay for dinner.

Qin Xin vaguely had a bad feeling.

Little Taotie and Hua Jinyan were held by the man, while Cheng Guodong and Qin Xin fell behind.

Qin Xin lowered her voice: "He is not as indifferent as you said."

Cheng Guodong shook his head: "It's too far from the rumors."

Qin Xin frowned: "If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!"

Cheng Guodong also frowned: "Let's see first."

Qin Xin thought of one thing, confirmed it again and again, and asked, "Does he really not accept disciples?"

Cheng Guodong nodded: "He is notoriously lazy, he doesn't accept disciples, he doesn't teach disciples."

Qin Xin was relieved for the time being, and exhaled: "That's good."

Entering the dining hall, Cheng Guodong's mouth twitched when he saw a feast of mushrooms on the table.

Xiao Taotie is not a picky eater, as long as the food is delicious, it doesn't matter if the table is full of mushrooms!

Just when the little glutton was eating the most delicious food, the man suddenly asked: "You have a good talent, why don't you be my apprentice?"

Qin Xin choked on the mushroom on the spot, coughed wildly, and looked at Cheng Guodong angrily.

Cheng Guodong looked innocent and bewildered.

(End of this chapter)

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