Someone in the crowd whispered: "The ingredients in the refrigerator are obviously very fresh."

"Yeah, we also ate it, the meat quality is super good!"

"They eat too much, their deficiency is not replenished, and they become thinner."

"They lived downstairs from us. When the window was opened last night, a smell of barbecue rose up, as if they had eaten it until two o'clock in the morning."

"They are still dancing and singing. We are downstairs and we can hear ghosts crying and wolves upstairs."

"It's obviously my own problem, but it's really shameless to blame the ingredients in the refrigerator!"

Hearing the whispers, Xiao Taotie narrowed his eyes: "I don't need a reason for your lateness, now it is a fact that you are late, go stand in the open space."

"Just stand?"

"Is the punishment too light?"

"If being late is just a punishment, I'll get up later tomorrow too."

"When I wake up early in the morning, I am afraid that I will be late. Being late is just a punishment. I would have known that I would not have woken up so early."

Little Taotie glanced at everyone indifferently, "Everyone, a lot of nonsense?"

Although the other party is only a woman, who seems to be younger than most people, but the aura and the cold and serious temperament emanating from her body make people dare not refute.

Everyone fell silent in unison.

Little Taotie said calmly: "Run around the open space three times."


"Run again?"

"After running yesterday, I had leg cramps in the middle of the night."

"I wake up in the morning with pain all over my body."

"No, training like this every day, I feel like I'm going to die young."

"No more nonsense, add two laps!"

Everyone shut up and obediently went for a run.

During the run, whispering back and forth: "Why do we listen to her so much?"

"If we don't run away, what can she do with us?"

"How about... a collective strike?"

"You dare!" Two voices spoke in unison.

Everyone looked, it was Xiao Jin and Jin Hancheng.

Xiao Jin is the goddess of most people, a child star who debuted very early, and everyone of her age knows her.

In addition, she first came out of the circle as a comedian, and later achieved very good results in singing and dancing by virtue of her own strength. There is a bit of an inspirational person set there, which has attracted many fans.

Because of Jin Hancheng's family background, many people fear or want to please him.

The two have a certain right to speak in the team.

In fact, most people also look at the behavior of the two of them as a benchmark. Now that the two of them run seriously and have no complaints, it will cause others to follow blindly.

"Bosses, what can we learn from running like this every day? We came here all the way, not to be long-distance runners, but to learn supernatural powers!"

"That's right! Yesterday and today, I was doing physical training, and I didn't learn anything practical."

"We only have one year, won't we be doing physical training all year?"

Xiao Jin frowned: "The head coach tells us to do whatever we want. There are so many complaints. We are here to study. The head coach told us to exercise our physical fitness. There must be a deep meaning."

Jin Hancheng nodded: "Xiao Jin is right, the chief mentor must have deep meaning."

"Hey, I can't run anymore."

"Me too."

"I want to go back to my country. If I train like this every day, I want to apply to go back to my country."

"Even if there is a deep meaning, you should reveal it to us, otherwise we will have no idea."

"Brother Cheng, as a representative, help us to ask, let us feel a little low, what is the meaning of the chief instructor?"

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