Those who won the first round of the competition had another round of competition, and finally three people were selected.

Little Taotie pointed to the three of them and said, "From now on, the three of them will be the team leader, and Jin Hancheng will be the team leader."

Jin Hancheng blushed a little, he was defeated in the first match, yet he was still qualified to be the captain.

He felt that the goddess must like him.

Otherwise, they will not cover themselves.

Little Taotie is completely unaware of Jin Hancheng's narcissistic thoughts, otherwise he will definitely let him know the new concept of the word "covering".

"We know we were wrong!" Suddenly a howl sounded.

All the people in the open space looked over in unison, and saw three people rushing towards them. The three of them burst into tears, crying like dead relatives.

The corner of Xiao Taotie's mouth twitched.

Guessing that the three of them would succumb, but... it was too much.

"We really know we were wrong, chief coach!"

"Chief coach, we don't dare to be late anymore! Please, give us our meat back!"

"And those snacks, we'll die without them!"

"Stand up." Little Taotie said solemnly.

"No! If you don't promise us, we won't be able to kneel!"

"Yes, I can't afford to kneel!"

"We kneel here to die!"

Little Taotie rubbed his temples: "Then you guys just kneel down."

"Ah this!"

The three of them looked at each other, their eyes full of despair.

We are just kidding!
It really keeps us on our knees!

Little Taotie ignored the desperate eyes of the three, turned around and directed the others to train their physical fitness.

The three really just kept kneeling like this.

Not much damage.


The three of them sighed, and only hoped that the sky would be beautiful and it would not rain.

Just afraid of something coming, there was a muffled thunder in the sky.

First there was a patter of light rain, followed by a merciless downpour.

Little Taotie and his people had already gone back to the castle to shelter from the rain, and there were only three kneeling "wretched people" left in the open space.

"what should we do?"

"Kneeling all the time? This rain...can't stop for a while."

"A bitter trick, you have to pay a little price, otherwise how can people sympathize with us?"

"What you said makes sense, let's continue to kneel! Don't believe her heart of stone!"

"You two continue to kneel, I'll go to test the wind first." One of them wanted to stand up and run, but was pressed between the two and couldn't get up at all.

"Kneel together! Kneel together! Die together!"

"Me! I don't know you well!"

In fact, before the three of them came to Huaguo, they just heard that the other party was also a nodding acquaintance who knew each other and knew each other.

"Now, we are brothers kneeling together and getting wet in the rain!"

"Brothers are in trouble, we should share the trouble!"

"Everything has been said by you, and I can only admit it."

The elites of country H, who were sheltering from the rain in the old castle, gathered around the window and watched until the little Taotie came, and they scattered like birds and beasts.

Little Taotie stood in front of the window, looking at the three people who were drenched in the rain, as if appreciating a famous painting.

Xiangxiang handed her a cup of hot cocoa: "The lesson is almost done, don't overdo it, they have poor physique and get sick easily."

"A sickness won't kill you."

"You have learned the iron face and selflessness of the head."

"Isn't it bad?"

Xiangxiang sighed: "This is not cute."

Little Taotie lowered his eyes: "Cuteness is to be pitied by others. I have already passed the age of cuteness, and I don't need to be pitied by others."

Maybe I didn't understand it when I was young, but when I grow up, I will understand that when she was a child, she was liked by so many people. Apart from her personal ability, the bigger reason was that she was pitied at first.

A poor girl who was beaten in the mountains, starved, skinny, and later sold to a black-hearted company, most people would pity her because she was pitiful.

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