The real daughter, Xiaotaotie, became popular in the entertainment industry

Chapter 2156 Opportunities for those who are prepared

Chapter 2156 Opportunities for those who are prepared
H country has also received the news, so the fact that the evil spirit delicacy can enhance the ability is no longer classified as confidential information.

Little Taotie said calmly: "Ten people will follow me to complete a mission, and the mission reward is evil spirit delicacy."

"Evil spirit delicacies?"

"What is it?"

"My relative called me last night. It has been spread all over country H. Evil spirit delicacies can improve abilities."

"My relative is a space power user like me. After eating a bowl of evil spirit delicacies, his space has now increased by ten percent."

"So powerful? Why haven't I heard of such a thing?"

"It seems that it came out only two days ago. The news came from the country of Hua. Later, all countries tried to find people with awakened supernatural powers, and it really worked."

"Spiritual abilities? Are there such abilities?"

"Now that the aura is recovering, many people have awakened their abilities. Apart from the common abilities, people with supernatural abilities are very rare. Originally, these people with supernatural abilities were not paid attention to. After all, ghosts are made into dishes. It seems mysterious, and no one dares to eat this kind of food, but it is completely different now, these delicacies can help improve their abilities, and these people with abilities are officially protected."

"Aren't these all supernatural beings at the national treasure level?"

"Of course, it is more difficult to get a piece of evil spirit delicacy now. Take our H country as an example, even those with no special abilities without Zhuoda's contribution will not be able to enjoy it!"

"Can't you buy it with money?"

"Of course I can't buy it. Think about how rich those chaebol families are, but it's hard for them to get a piece of evil spirit food!"

"In other words, these delicacies of evil spirits are already strategic materials, and without contributions above third-class merit, it is difficult to see them at a glance."

"Stop've all been told!" One person held his heart in his hands, his face full of grief.

"what happened to you?"

"Heart attack?"

"The more precious you make the delicacy of evil spirits, the more it hurts my heart." He lowered his voice: "Actually, if I run with my life, that guy with the thin bamboo pole will definitely not be able to run away from me! No.10 is mine!"

"Ah! You still retain your strength?"

"Before the run, I didn't say that there are tasks and rewards for the top ten. I just treat it as ordinary training. As long as I don't run in the last few, I can rest if I can. Who knows..."

"You deserve it! Who told you not to train hard!"

Many of the elites in Country H are clutching their hearts, feeling extremely distressed and regretful, which shows how many people are fishing in troubled waters during this run.

Little Taotie glanced at everyone's expressions, and he knew it, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

She deliberately didn't say anything in advance, just to see the regretful expressions of these people.

Let's see who dares to train fish in the future!
After this time, every time the elites of country H practiced, they were desperate to earn the top ten. Although there were not rewards and tasks every time, every time they said that there was a reward after the fact, they I am afraid of missing the opportunity, so I can only work hard every time.


Xiao Taotie sorted out ten documents in the office, about the assassination organization.

In fact, they didn't make her wait for half an hour, just about a quarter of an hour, ten people changed their clothes, and appeared in front of the office door full of energy.

"All here?"

"Yes!" Jin Hancheng said loudly.

He also learned about the delicacy of evil spirits from his father. His father said that he exhausted his contacts and spent a lot of money to buy a biscuit, which was already on his way to China.

Therefore, he knows better than others how difficult it is to get the delicacies of evil spirits.

(End of this chapter)

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