Chapter 2158

The members of the assassination organization shut their mouths one after another, the fear of the unknown made them choose to obey.

The moon was dark and the wind was high, but the girl did not fall asleep. She hid in the bed and shivered.

At this time, she didn't know that she had awakened supernatural powers.

She saw countless things floating around outside the window, and when she inadvertently looked at one of them, a strange smile appeared on that hideous face.

The next moment, Ah Piao rushed into the room.

She screamed in fear, but she was alone in the house.

She could only hide in the bed and keep deceiving herself: "It's an illusion, everything is just an illusion!"

There was a strange sound outside the bed, like the whistling of the wind mixed with laughter, and the laughter seemed to be caught in the teeth by the door, making a duck quacking like a mechanical sound.

"do not come!"

The sound was getting closer.

It's like sticking to a quilt.

Under the huge pressure, she felt suffocated.

"Is this the ghost press?"

The light in her eyes gradually dimmed, as if going out at any moment.

Just before she was about to die, she seemed to hear the voice of her best friend: "Ah Liang! Don't be afraid, you can do it! Ah Liang! Live well!"


"Is that you, Xiaoxiao? Where are you?"

She lifted the quilt suddenly, and she saw countless hideous and terrifying ghost faces, but one of them was so familiar.

Her best friend Jiang Xiaoxiao!
The scene five days ago is vivid in my mind, my best friend is lying in a pool of blood, her heart has been hollowed out.

The younger brother of the girlfriend was lying on the left hand of the girlfriend. A seven-year-old boy had a pale face and was covered in blood. There was also a huge hole in his heart.

The siblings met a burglar who broke into the house. The culprit did not steal any money from the family, but only two hearts.

My best friend and my best friend's younger brother had just awakened their abilities not long ago. At that time, they had made an appointment to treat her to dinner on weekends, so we had to celebrate it.

The best friend said: "Ah Liang, I have awakened the ability of the power system, which is the same as the big star Xiao Taotie. I will be as powerful as the little Taotie! From now on, I will protect you!"

The best friend's younger brother said in a milky voice: "Sister Ah Liang, I have also awakened a power! It's a fire power. My sister said that the gas bill at home can be saved in the future. I can make a fire to cook and boil water, hehehe! "

But the meal was not completed, and the day before the agreed meal, my best friend and her younger brother lay in a pool of blood in the most miserable state.

"Ah Liang, don't be afraid, you must overcome everything!" My girlfriend said softly, "Try, you can do it!"

"Smile, can I?"

A little boy floated in from the window and threw himself into the arms of his best friend.

The best friend hugged her younger brother, and both of them turned their heads to look at her at the same time, nodding vigorously, with trust in her in their eyes.

She saw the heart of her best friend and her best friend's brother, which was empty, and the objects behind could be seen through the hole.

The ferocious ghosts looked at the little boy who floated in with numb and empty eyes, as if they saw the beautiful food, and rushed towards the little boy.

That is the pure soul body.

They instinctively wanted to devour this little Apiao.

It seems that as long as they devour this little Apiao, they can become ghost kings.

"No! Don't hurt him!" The girl rushed over, reaching out to pat those A Piao who were rushing towards her best friend and her best friend's younger brother.

A miraculous scene appeared, black and blue halos appeared on the hands she slapped those A Piao, like waves of lightning force exploded in the palm of her hand, directly hitting those A Piao.

Apiao let out a miserable scream.

Trails of black smoke rose up, and what fell on the ground were pieces of biscuits and cookies.

There are soda biscuits, butter cookies, chocolate wafers and so on.

(End of this chapter)

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