Chapter 2162 We Are Your Fans

When Ah Liang woke up, he was a little dazed.

She somewhat forgot what happened just now, and even thought it was a dream.

If she wasn't covered in blood, if she couldn't see things floating around in front of her eyes, she would have deceived herself that this was just a dream.

"It's not a dream..."

"No." Came a faint voice.

A Liang was startled, completely unaware that there were other people in the room.

She looked up, and saw a person sitting in the corner by the table, who looked familiar.

"Is it... Little Taotie?"

Little Taotie raised his eyebrows, and there was interest in his eyes: "Know me?"

"Xiaoxiao and I—" A Liang's voice stopped abruptly.

Smile, her best girlfriend is gone.

Still died like that.

I... avenged her, but even if I avenged her, so what, the dead can no longer be resurrected.

Xiao Taotie was a child star that she and Xiaoxiao had liked since they were young, but Xiao Taotie left the entertainment circle. She and Xiaoxiao were still young, crying so hard that they couldn't breathe, Xiaoxiao also had a fever and fell ill for several days because of it, and almost got pneumonia up.

She is a little better than Xiaoxiao, but not much better.

"We... are your fans." Her voice was soft and lonely.

Now I can see the idol I worshiped since I was a child, but she is the only one left.

I remember when I was a child, Xiaoxiao said excitedly: "When we grow up, let's find Xiao Taotie's autograph!"

It's a pity that Xiao Taotie quit the circle later, and later, the two of them were tied up by the college entrance examination and other things.

I also thought about finding Xiao Taotie after the college entrance examination, but Xiao Taotie retired after winning the Best Actress trophy.

"My fan?" Little Taotie put down the teacup in his hand and asked, "Since childhood, have you liked me?"

A Liang nodded: "As long as you live broadcast, Xiaoxiao and I will watch it."


"My best friend, but... is gone now."

"problem occurs?"

"Killed by those people..."

"The people who went to you?"


"So, you killed your girlfriends to avenge them?"

"I don't know..." She hugged her head in pain and whispered: "They did it first, I... I lost control later, it was those things, those things killed it, no, no, it seems to be me, it's me Tell them to kill, why do they listen to me... why did I become like that, killing people without blinking an eye, it's so scary..."

Recalling her own state at that time, she was even afraid of herself.

It was like there was another self in the body, a terrible, cold-blooded, bloodthirsty...another self.

"Looks like it's for self-protection, and a vengeance was caused by the way." Little Taotie recorded it in his notebook.

A Liang wondered: "What are you doing...?"

Little Taotie continued to record without raising his head: "Make notes."


"You have killed so many people, there must be an explanation. Even if you awaken the supernatural power required by the government, it is a rare existence, but if you are bloodthirsty and have bad conduct, the treatment is not a national treasure."

"I... have supernatural powers?"

After the best friend and the best friend's younger brother awakened their abilities, A Liang also had a certain understanding of abilities, but he had never heard of such a weird ability, and it didn't sound like a good ability.

"Spiritual abilities, initially, are similar to different pupils, and you can see the existence of spirits. The higher level of awakening can turn evil spirits into ingredients, and these ingredients can help the person with the ability to improve their abilities. More powerful, Just like you before, you can manipulate evil spirits to work for you."

(End of this chapter)

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