Chapter 2174 Calling full name is anger

The little Taotie went out on a mission in person, but let someone run away. Shen Cang took it seriously, and he returned to the castle and asked the little Taotie to go to the office.

Xiangxiang worried: "Is everything going to be okay?"

Mo Haihao shook his head: "I don't know, but Xiao Taotie has never failed before, and today he was let go, which shows that the opponent's strength is unfathomable."

Yuanyuan: "I don't understand what these people are thinking, they still come out to make trouble in this situation."

Mo Haihao sighed: "Heroes emerge in troubled times, and many people want to get a share of the troubled times."

"The attitude of the other hemisphere is also very incomprehensible. Are they going to sit and wait?" Xiangxiang said in a deep voice.

Mo Haihao narrowed his eyes, his gaze was dangerous and gloomy: "They have other plans."

"What do you know?" Xiangxiang asked.

Mo Haihao held his wife's hand and shook his head lightly: "I can't say it yet, the higher ups keep it secret."

Xiangxiang curled her lips: "You can't let me participate?"

Mo Haihao shook his head: "I came back from studying abroad, so I can break into it. You are different. You will reveal your secrets as soon as you pass by."

"Oh, you are an international student, you are amazing!"


In Shen Cang's office, Little Taotie was sitting on the sofa, eating a pack of wafer biscuits in his hand.

Shen Cang raised his forehead: "Show out your basic attitude."

"What attitude?" Little Taotie was puzzled.

"Your mission failed, where is your attitude of basically admitting your mistakes?"

"If you fail, you fail. Why admit your mistakes."

"Tao Ti!"

Normally, if Shen Cang called her full name, he would be angry.

Little Taotie shrugged, and passed one of the wafers in his hand: "Try it?"

Shen Cang looked at her silently.

"If you don't want to eat, don't eat." Little Taotie put the wafers on the table: "We will eat when you are hungry."

Shen Cang took a deep breath: "Tao Ti, as your superior, I need a reasonable explanation from you, why did the mission fail?"

"The mission is not mine." Xiao Taotie shrugged: "So there is no such thing as my mission failure. I just went to rescue. I rescued the people who should be rescued. My rescue mission was completed perfectly. I can add Get those guys back, but if I don't get them back, that's not my problem."

"Are you playing tricks on me here?"

Shen Cang laughed angrily: "Those students are all your students, and you assigned the mission to them. You are the one who watches over them to complete the mission. Rescue is your job. After your job is completed, you are obliged to complete it. student's task."

"Now that the person has escaped, there is no point in pursuing responsibility." Little Taotie shrugged, feeling as if he had broken a jar.

"You are too negative!!!" Shen Cang stood up and looked at her with serious eyes: "Write a [-]-word self-criticism and write this matter clearly."

"Grandpa, it's not that I'm negative, but that some people's inaction chills me." Little Taotie clapped his hands, slapped the wafer crumbs in his hands on Shen Cang's table, and snorted: "What's the point of writing a review?" Punishment, you should have dismissed me!"

Shen Cang frowned: "What are you going to do?"

He vaguely sensed that Little Taotie was planning something.

But when the child grows up, her mind becomes deeper. The little girl who could see through at a glance when she was a child is now unfathomable. Even Shen Cang can't guess what she is planning.

"Well~" Little Taotie smiled, "It's a secret!"

"Smelly girl, don't mess around." Shen Cang's tone slowed down, a little helpless: "My ability is limited, so don't do things that I can't handle."

(End of this chapter)

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