The real daughter, Xiaotaotie, became popular in the entertainment industry

Chapter 2181 I would like to spend the rest of my life to redeem my sins

The little ghost messenger blurted out: "Apologize with death, and go to hell to be punished by yourself, so that your father will not be punished for you."

"Okay!" The cloaked man agreed without even thinking about it. He took out a fruit knife and wanted to slap himself.

Little Taotie slashed his wrist with his palm, causing him to let go of his hand in pain, and with a "kuang", the knife fell to the ground.

The cloaked man's eyes were tearing apart: "Why! Why don't you even let me die! I want to die, I want to atone for my sins!"

"Death can atone for sin?" Little Taotie's voice was cold.

Her eyes contained a merciless indifference, star-shifting, full of desolation.

The man in the cloak looked into her eyes, as if he saw in these eyes one after another planet from vitality to planet destruction, from planet destruction to resurgence of life, between life and death, numbness and indifference appeared, just like a high god I am used to seeing life and death, so I have no trouble with it.

The originally noisy cloaked man subconsciously shut up and became quiet, not even daring to cry out.

Little Taotie withdrew his chilling eyes, and said coldly: "A person who died to save you and was tortured for you after death, do you think he will leave because you went to the underworld? When you are being tortured, can he look at you indifferently?" Is it? After you die, the most likely thing is that he will be tortured with you, no matter how much you try to persuade him, it is impossible to persuade him. "

"I..." The man in the cloak was speechless, unable to refute at all.

Because he knew in his heart that there was nothing wrong, as Xiao Taotie said, when he died and went to the underworld, it was impossible for him to be tortured alone, his father could not let him suffer alone, and in the end he would definitely be tortured with him.

But he couldn't let his father be tortured anymore, not even for a day.

Obviously it was my own fault, why should my father suffer along with him.

He didn't think his father was at fault. From the very beginning, his father was not at fault, and all his faults were his own.

It was my own hands who played with fire, and I caused the tragedy.

If he hadn't played with fire, his father would not have died, and his mother would not have resented him because of his father's death, let alone remarried. They would have been a happy and complete family, all because of the fire.

If there was no such fire back then.

How wonderful it would wonderful...

"What should I do, please, teach me, what should I do?"

He was helpless and desolate, prostrate on the ground.

The little ghost who had originally hated him was also a little moved. He looked at Xiao Taotie and said softly, "Sister Xiao Taotie, can you help him think of a way?"

Hateful people must have pity.Little Taotie sighed: "You did too many wrong things in the first half of your life. If your father hadn't been punished for you, you would have died of unforeseen misfortunes. If you can live to this day, it may be because of your father's merits and virtues in the ninth life to protect you."

Little Taotie understands the mystery of merit better than anyone else. She has never missed a hand, let alone escaped under her nose. This person was able to escape under her hands. At first, she thought it was her negligence that did not count the teleportation ability However, now that I think about it, it may be because of this person’s meritorious deeds and his father’s suffering for him to offset the wrong things he did.

"Since you have survived from my hands, I don't need to kill you anymore. I will use the rest of your life to serve the country and the people, and use your supernatural powers to help our country's supernatural powers improve, so as to prevent foreign enemies from invading .”

"I am willing! I am willing to spend the rest of my life to redeem my sins and do everything that can accumulate virtue and do good deeds!"

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