In an instant, the large formation was activated, and all the supernatural beings in the room felt unable to move their bodies, as if the supernatural powers in their bodies were sucked out by something.

"what happened!"

"Where is my ability? My ability suddenly disappeared!"

"There's weirdness here!"

The cloaked man moved, and he quietly came to the most powerful person among these people, and a little Apiao appeared in his hand. The little Apiao was a little tiger, and he opened his mouth to bite towards the supernatural person.

"Ah!" A scream sounded.

Everyone gasped after hearing the sound.

I saw that the neck of this strongest supernatural being was covered with blood, the main artery had been broken, his eyes began to lose sight, and he was on the verge of death.

"what happened!"

"Cloak, it's you!"

"Cloak, what have you done!"

In the current position, only Cloak can do this to this person.

These people lost their powers and couldn't see the existence of Little Apiao, but they could be sure that this thing was done by the cloaked man.

The cloaked man has always been very repulsive to those who obtained supernatural powers through heart-eating methods, and this killed supernatural person obtained supernatural powers through this method.

The teleportation user is the only one who knows the cloak best among these people. He stood up and stood in front of the cloak: "It won't be a cloak. There is no need to kill!"

In the eyes of others, the cloak is dark, withdrawn, and a monster playing with ghosts.

People with supernatural powers, being with those things all day long, even if they are normal people, it may not be normal after a long time, not to mention that the cloak is tightly covered all day long, and it looks abnormal from the beginning.

But only the teleportation user knows that the cloak is a poor man.

He is withdrawn, just because he has been in the house for a long time, and he no longer knows how to get along with others.

In fact, the cape is a timid guy. He still remembers that he took some special products from his hometown and wanted to get along with the people around him. When he saw the cape, he seemed to be seriously ill when he saw the cape, but he later found out that This guy starved himself to death.

"Our abilities are all gone, why doesn't he have one?"

"How do you know he hasn't?"

"I'm also a supernatural power user. Although my supernatural power has disappeared, I can feel the yin energy just now!"

"You mean, the cloak summoned Apiao just now?"

"Yes! I can be sure that the cloak summoned A Piao just now, and it was A Piao who put people to death! But it must be the order and the cloak!"

"Cloak, you must give us an explanation!"

Teleportation is still in front of the cloak, and he still chooses to believe in the cloak.

The cloak patted and teleported, with regret for him in his eyes, and sighed: "Yes, it is indeed me."

"Look! It's him!"

"It sure is him!"

"Why, why did you kill him!"

"What about our supernatural ability, is it also your fault!?"

"What the hell are you going to do!"

Little Taotie waved her hand, and the two ghost servants beside her left. She smiled and stood up, stretching her muscles and bones, "Let me answer everyone."

Everyone was surrounded by cloaks and didn't notice the little Taotie, but now they heard the little Taotie's voice and looked back suddenly, only to find out in horror that the little Taotie was able to move freely.

"You... how can you move?"

"Cloak! What the hell is going on! You and her are not in the same group!"

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