Chapter 2202

Some people in China also proposed Plan B, the so-called Plan B, which is similar to Country M, build Noah's Ark, find a way to leave Blue Star, and find a new way of life in the universe.

The pace of China's exploration of the universe is slower than that of M country.

Now the high-level officials don't know what country M has discovered in the universe, maybe it has found a planet that can survive.

At present, Huaguo has not succeeded in finding a planet in the universe that has water and is illuminated by the sun and the moon.

Even if water marks are detected, it needs to be redeveloped. Maybe there will be well water after digging three feet, but there is no follow-up report.

In fact, if there is no report, it is mostly a failure.

After all, if there is a discovery, those researchers will report it early for their merits.

The implementation of plan B is inevitable, but it is not to let the high-level and those rich people go out, but to send the future of the motherland out.

If Blue Star can't stop this catastrophe in the end, these hopes must be let out of Blue Star, maybe the universe will be a dead end, but it is not a dead end, there is still hope after all.

"It's over, and there are more." Shen Cang put another piece of chocolate into his mouth, and glanced at everyone.

Originally, they just wanted to scare the little Taotie, but in fact, those seniors in the special department who were going to pretend to be dead if they couldn't hold on, were all stunned.

They stared at Shen Cang dumbfounded.

They can see from the serious expression of the head that the head is serious!

"Head, are we going to be strangled to death?"

"Will it explode and die?"

"I feel that the supernatural powers in my body are out of control, and I dare not eat any more."

"Head, are you sure you're not joking?"

Shen Cang said indifferently: "I seem to be someone who knows how to joke?"

He clapped his hands.

Young buddies in delivery uniforms walked in with two boxes each.

A dozen people, twenty or thirty boxes.

The lid of the box was lifted, and it was full of snacks.

Naturally, these delivery guys are not simple people. Those who still deliver food in major cities in troubled times are elites with supernatural powers.

The officially certified food delivery company has already cooperated with the official, and the strategic supplies are also delivered by these little brothers with supernatural powers. Most of them have speed-type supernatural powers like "scud legs".

It is rumored that the best among them is faster than the maglev train at full speed.

Little Taotie saw a familiar person.

Little Taotie was slightly surprised.

Teleportation bowed to the little Taotie: "Hello, sir."

Little Taotie pursed his lips and nodded slightly.

The ability of teleportation is indeed suitable for delivery tasks.

Now that the organization he participated in cooperated with the government, his parents should also be protected by the government, right?
Troubled times are not so hopeless.

There is always new hope that arises.

For example, when human beings have no power to restrain chickens, when disaster strikes, a window will open, and human beings have awakened supernatural powers, and there is still a chance to compete with creatures from other worlds.

After the courier guys left, the members of the special department looked at the boxes of evil spirit food, and their facial nerves were somewhat paralyzed.

"Head, do you really want to eat all of it?"

"Will it explode and die?"

"I am a little scared……"

Shen Cang looked at everyone indifferently: "I don't know if it will explode and die, but I know that when people are full, they will know that they can't fit in anymore, so I want you to master this degree yourself." , until it can no longer be plugged in. Of course, you can also fool me."

"Don't dare!"

"If you fool anyone, you don't dare to fool your head!"

"That's right, we must eat to the limit! Eat until we can't fit it!"

(End of this chapter)

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