Chapter 223 Because of Her Help
Fia's eyes were burning, she screamed angrily, and lost her temper willfully. When she wanted to increase the price again, she heard her grandmother say in a dark voice: "You forgot my warning!"

Only then did Fia wake up. Grandma said that it should not exceed 5000 million.

Originally, she was ready to be photographed, and the blue-eyed kid who was competing with her had already stopped bidding.

Why did a person suddenly appear to grab her!
Fia watched helplessly as the auction hammer finally came down and the deal was completed.

Tears welled up in her eyes, and she looked at the person who caught the bracelet, and it turned out to be a boy!
Why do boys grab bracelets!
Black hair, black eyes, from Huaguo?

She was so angry that she was on the verge of erupting at any time.

Thinking about how to trouble this Huaguo boy when the auction is over!
Her grandmother looked at the position of the Hua family and warned in a deep voice, "Be quiet!"

"Your grandfather wants to open up the Huaguo market, you can't go to trouble him, but please that boy instead!"

"Please him? A Chinese!" Fia's eyes were full of disbelief and disdain, as if she had heard the biggest joke in the world.

"Hua Guo has a vast land and rich resources, and it has long been different from what it used to be. Now is the era when we seek to cooperate with them."

Fei Ya's grandmother's eyes were full of emotion. She had been to Huaguo once 50 years ago, but it was not as prosperous as it is now.

But today's Hua people are known internationally for being good at doing business, and many tycoons have emerged in just a few decades.

Moreover, the consumption level and aesthetic level of Huaguo people are also very high, so it is not easy to break into the Huaguo market.

She heard that Mrs. Hua was coming to the auction, so she brought her little granddaughter who was about the same age as her grandson, but this little granddaughter was taught by her mother to be inappropriate, which was disappointing.

"I don't want to please the Chinese people!" Fia made an indecent gesture with her fingers, snorted, and ran to the toilet.

The road to the enemy is narrow, and Fia meets a girl with blue eyes in the toilet.

"It's you who have been against me!" Fia stepped forward and grabbed the girl's ponytail.

"Let go of me! Huh..." The girl who was hurt by the pain cried.

"You still have the face to cry! If you hadn't been against me, I would have taken pictures of the bracelet long ago! It's all your fault! I must teach you a lesson!"

She didn't dare not listen to her grandmother's words. She couldn't make trouble with the boy from Huaguo, but she could make trouble with this blue-eyed boy and vent her anger on her.

Fia tugged at her braids and fell to the ground, and the little leather shoes she was wearing were about to step on her face.

The blue-eyed girl resisted, clung to Fia's ankle, and bit Fia's calf.

Fia screamed and let go of her hand in pain. The blue-eyed girl also took this opportunity to escape from the women's bathroom. Fia chased him out, but the two saw the Huaguo boy in the sink between the men's and women's toilets.

The blue-eyed girl looked at Hua Jinyan begging for help, and stretched out her small hand to grab in his direction.

Fia had already grabbed her ponytail and wanted to drag it to the women's toilet. Fia looked at Hua Jinyan with complicated eyes. Her grandmother had warned her not to provoke Huaguo boy, and she even had to please him herself.

She was afraid that the boy from Huaguo would help her, so the delay would be even faster.

Hua Jinyan didn't want to meddle in other people's affairs at first, but he remembered that if Xiao Taotie was here, he would definitely help, and he would say to him righteously, "It is the Shaolin spirit to be brave and help each other when it is justified!"

Thinking of the little expression she might say in a childish voice, Hua Jinyan raised the corner of his mouth and said, "I will call the security guard over, you'd better let her go."

After speaking, Hua Jinyan turned and left.

Fia wasn't sure if he was trying to scare her, so she didn't let him go, but she didn't continue to beat him either.

Soon, the security guards really came, and Fei Ya could only let go, feeling resentment towards the Huaguo boy in her heart.

On the contrary, the blue-eyed girl regarded Hua Jinyan as the prince who saved the princess!

(End of this chapter)

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