Chapter 226 Provoking a Peach Blossom

As soon as Hua Jinyan got off the plane, he was followed by a follower and tried to post it.

Hua Jinyan strode forward, trying to distance himself.

The man who followed walked up to Director Hua and greeted him with a smile, "Sorry, I didn't understand things before."

"It's okay, it's about children, and it's understandable to lose your mind." Director Hua responded lightly.

"The two children seem very affectionate." The man said without words.

Director Hua glanced at him sideways, his eyes full of suspicion, as if asking: Intimacy?Are you not blind?

The man was extremely embarrassed by his look, and forced a smile: "A girl older than her bullied her in the toilet. It was your son who called the security guards and rescued her."

Director Hua was a little surprised.

The son can see Ah Piao, he is different since he was a child, as if he can see through everything in the world, he is a little cold and indifferent.

In the past, when encountering such a thing, he must have left directly, and would not have cared about it at all, let alone call the security guard to help.

It seems that after staying with Xiao Taotie for a long time, his son has become more and more humane!

Director Hua thought of Xiao Taotie's sweet smile, so he couldn't wait to quicken his pace. Hearing from his son, Xiao Taotie was waiting for them outside.

Tian Miaoke was already a little tired, panting: "His Royal Highness, wait for me, I'm so tired, please slow down..."

Some of the passengers passing by couldn't help laughing out loud, thinking that the children nowadays are too good at playing, and they actually took one bite at a time, His Royal Highness!
Hua Jinyan didn't like attracting too many people's attention, so he frowned and quickened his pace.

Hua Jinyan saw Xiao Taotie at a glance in the crowd, and Xiao Taotie also saw Hua Jinyan at a glance.

"Hua Jinyan! Here!" Little Taotie waved his arms, smiling very brightly, and Xiaoli dimpled sweetly.

Hua Jinyan raised the corners of his mouth, smiled softly, and ran over.

Tian Miaoke stayed where she was.

Director Hua quickened his pace and said to the man following him, "Sorry, the person who picked us up is here, let's go first."

After finishing speaking, he ran over, not giving the man a chance to talk back.

The man walked up to his daughter who was standing there blankly, and sighed: "I just said that he is not your prince."

Tian Miaoke raised her head, tears streaming down her face: "He has a princess?"

The man pointed in the direction of Little Taotie, and asked, "Isn't this obvious?"

Tian Miaoke bit her lips: "Maybe it's his sister, I'm going to ask about it!"

"You are as unreasonable as your mother!"

"Father!" Tian Miaoke yelled.

"Keep your voice down!" Seeing her crying, the man couldn't help but soften his heart, and said helplessly, "Okay, I'll take you to confirm."

"Your Highness, is this your sister?" Tian Miaoke asked softly, looking timidly at Little Taotie.

Hua Jinyan frowned, annoyed by this person, and said coldly: "It has nothing to do with you! Stay away from me!"

Tian Miaoke bit her lip and said boldly: "If she is just your younger sister, it proves that I still have a chance. When I grow up, I want to marry you!"

Cheng Guodong, who witnessed the whole process, was dumbfounded, bumped Qin Xin with his elbow, and lowered his voice: "Foreign children, so precocious!"

Qin Xin frowned: "Don't you want to see Hua Jinyan being defeated by Tianxiang, hiding in a corner and crying?"

Cheng Guodong nodded: "Just wait and see him cry!"

"But now I'm a little worried." Qin Xin frowned even tighter.

Cheng Guodong wondered: "What are you worried about?"

"This stinky boy has attracted a lot of peach blossoms when he went abroad. When he grows up, he doesn't know how many girls he can provoke. Coupled with his family background, he will definitely attract many mad bees and butterflies. At that time, I'm afraid... cry It's my sister."

(End of this chapter)

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