Chapter 229 Tutoring Is My Side Job

"Why are you here?" Cheng Guodong was puzzled, the Tao family hadn't shown up for so long, he thought they really didn't come because their sister rejected them.

Tao Mo sighed bitterly: "I have a cold, and I'm afraid it will be passed on to the little Taotie. No, I just happened to, so our whole family came together."

Cheng Guodong looked at his reddened nose and thought: It's not cold red, it's red from sneezing these days.

Little Taotie quietly looked at Tao Mo's nose, and then at the tall man.

She remembered that at the airport, the blue-eyed girl reached out to her father to hug her, and her father hugged her.

I don't know if I reach out for a hug, will I be hugged?

When Tao Tiancheng saw the little girl peeking at him, his heart blossomed. He couldn't hold back his excitement. He stepped forward, squatted down, and took out a handful of candies from his pocket and handed them over, "These are all newly developed candies. Made it the way you like it."

Little Taotie looked down, the candies were wrapped in transparent wrapping paper, each candy was round, crystal clear and colorful.

This is almost identical to Grudge Candy.

Little Taotie looked at the person who was smiling innocently at her in surprise, and asked doubtfully, "How do you know?"

Tao Bin raised his hand and said very proudly: "You made Luo Hanchen's daughter's grievances into candy. I remembered the appearance of the candy and told Dad when I came back. Dad knew you liked it, so he went to the factory to make it right away." Already!"

Little Taotie blushed, and the little question in her heart grew bigger and bigger. She subconsciously stretched out her hand, but her voice was very small: "I... I'm tired, I want to hug..." She was ashamed to look at people when she said it. , for fear of meeting the disgusting eyes like Shanli's father.

Suddenly, there was wind in the ear, the body was lifted up, the little Taotie fell into a warm embrace, and met a pair of doting eyes at close range.

Under the sunlight, Little Taotie saw the flowers on his head in full bloom, as if he was at the most lively party, surrounded by flowers and leaves, holding flowers and leaves, dancing in circles, and the flowers swayed wildly in the same direction.

Cheng Guodong and Qin Xin looked at each other, and then at Hua Jinyan. The eyes of the three were the same.

Apparently, all three of them saw the little Taotie's envious eyes at the father and daughter at the airport, and they all understood why the little Taotie weakly begged for a hug.

It is conceivable how many times I have been rejected by my parents in the mountains before, so I am so cautious and timid even to ask.

Tao Tiancheng shook the little Taotie in his arms, as if coaxing a baby, the little Taotie blushed, and whispered, "I'm not tired anymore, I'm coming down."

Tao Tiancheng hasn't hugged the sweet and soft little girl enough yet, facing the little girl's shy face, he knows it's too late, it's rare that the little girl takes a step, which makes him see hope.

The old father was right. Although the little girl refused to recognize each other, how could the Tao family just give up like this!To impress the little girl little by little, let her slowly forgive them, let her slowly accept them, and return to the Tao family!

Back in the living room, Little Taotie climbed onto the sofa and hugged the fluffy little bear. From time to time, she secretly looked at the Tao family with bright eyes that seemed to fall into countless stars. When the Tao family looked over, she quickly lowered her eyes again, pretending to be looking at the little bear.

Even Tao Bin couldn't fool her with such a crappy disguise, but the Tao family had a tacit understanding, and it seemed that they had discussed it before coming. They should not scare the little Taotie, and they had to take their time, so they all pretended not to see her. peep.

Tian Leran said the reason for coming this time, "The primary school entrance examination is coming soon, and I want to make up lessons for Xiao Taotie and Hua Jinyan. My identity is only Teacher Tian, ​​and I will not embarrass the children with other identities."

Cheng Guodong wondered: "We have hired a teacher."

Coincidentally, the doorbell rang. Cheng Guodong opened the door, and saw a plainly dressed Feng Shui master.

The Feng Shui master introduced himself: "I am Ma Ming, a new tutor."

Cheng Guodong was stunned: "Aren't you a Feng Shui master?"

Ma Ming smiled: "Tutoring is my side job."

(End of this chapter)

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