Chapter 238

After teaching Little Taotie and Hua Jinyan, Ma Ming was stopped by Cheng Guodong and Qin Xin as soon as he went out.

Both of them took out the red cloth bags together and said in unison: "Guardian beast?"

After finishing speaking, the two looked at each other, and then stared at Ma Ming in unison.

Ma Ming narrowed his eyes enigmatically, and asked, "In the past and present lives, do you believe it?"

The two shook their heads at the same time.

Ma Ming shrugged: "It's not speculative!"

Ma Ming waved his hands, and the two wanted to stop them, but they found that they were blocked by a lonely person. Ma Ming seemed to lose weight suddenly, and passed by them.

Cheng Guodong looked back, and the people had already gone to the gate, waved at them, and showed a flattering smile: "See you tomorrow."

"Don't go!" Cheng Guodong strode over, but when he reached the gate, no one could be seen.

When he came back, he saw Qin Xin sitting on the sofa and meditating, and asked, "What do you mean by that?"

"The meaning of past life and present life."

"I'm asking what is the meaning of past life and present life?"

"literal meaning."

"Don't make trouble, speak well!"

"I'm talking nicely."

Cheng Guodong supported his forehead: "You seem to be perfunctory to me."

Qin Xin stood up and asked, "I made coffee, do you want it?"

Cheng Guodong looked at the sky, and then at his watch, "Drinking coffee at this time? Don't you want to sleep?"

"I can't sleep anymore." Qin Xin twitched the corner of his mouth and pointed to the red cloth bag, "This thing, my previous life? Can you believe it?"

"What!" Cheng Guodong jumped up from the sofa, "Is that what you mean?"

"Otherwise, what do you think?"

Cheng Guodong touched the red cloth bag and said in confusion: "I thought... I was an all-powerful general in my last life, and this is my mount."

" are someone else's mount." Qin Xin squinted at him.

Cheng Guodong wiped his face with his hands, "Give me coffee, don't put anything, just black coffee! I won't be able to sleep tonight."


Hua Jinyan got up in the middle of the night and went downstairs to pour water, and was taken aback by the two big living people sitting on the sofa in the living room with their eyes wide open.

"You... are you awake?"

Cheng Guodong shook his head: "I haven't slept all night."

Hua Jinyan finished pouring the water and asked, "Do you want it?"

Cheng Guodong and Qin Xin looked at each other, their lips were chapped.

"Yes." Cheng Guodong replied.

Hua Jinyan poured two glasses of water for the two of them.

Cheng Guodong took it and drank it down.

Qin Xin took it, took a small sip, and moistened his lips first.

Hua Jinyan noticed the two red cloth bags on the table. If I remembered correctly, they should have been given to them by Teacher Ma.

"What's in it?"

Cheng Guodong sighed: "The two guardian beasts, no, they should be said to be our two previous lives."

Hua Jin said: "..."

Qin Xin: "Your silence means that you don't believe it."

"Can I open it and have a look?" Hua Jinyan asked.

Qin Xin spread her hands: "Whatever you want."

Hua Jinyan first opened Qin Xin's red cloth bag, which looked familiar to him, but he also forgot what kind of beast it was. He opened Cheng Guodong's red cloth bag again, and a picture quickly flashed in his mind.

A billowing white beast sticks to the side of the man in military armor, and a irascible little lion rushes in, just about to ask something, but after seeing the billowing white beast, it seems that all the fury from the fury Misfiring.

The little white beast tilted its chubby head, and softly called out: "Brother!"

The little lion rushed forward: "I thought the God of War chose another race's mount, and he was about to question him! I didn't expect him to choose you. If it was you, I would be convinced! But... the battlefield is so dangerous , do you really want to be the mount of God of War?"

The little white beast answered softly: "I am the fiercest beast, I am not afraid of danger."

(End of this chapter)

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