Chapter 249 Going to the Safari Park
Xiao Taotie and Hua Jinyan both successfully passed the primary school entrance examination. To celebrate the good news, Cheng Guodong and Qin Xin decided to take the two children to the wild animal park.

Little Taotie's eyes were full of curiosity, his big eyes sparkled, and he asked childishly, "Are there big tigers in the zoo?"

"Yes!" Cheng Guodong patted her little head, "There are also lions, pandas, hippos, giraffes..."

Little Taotie's pupils shone brightly, and his eyes seemed to be shining with starlight, "Is there a big lion?"

The reason Tao Shen and Tao Bin came to attend the class last time was to return the little lion cat.

Hearing the word "lion", the little lion thought he was calling himself, and trotted to the little Taotie's feet, rubbed his little head against the little master's feet, and rolled on the ground, showing his white softness defenselessly. round belly.

Little Taotie touched its belly, and said in a baby voice, "Little lion, you are getting fat, your belly is so big!"

The little lion let the little master stroke its stomach to digest food, and when it was almost done, a carp jumped up and ran to the cat tray to drink milk again.

The auntie nanny heard that Xiao Taotie was going to the zoo to see a big tiger today, so in order to celebrate the Year of the Tiger this year, she picked out a tiger head hat from the closet for Xiao Taotie to wear.

The furry tiger hat makes the little girl's face smaller, her big round eyes are brighter and fresher, her little mouth is rosy, her cheeks are rosy, and her skin is as white as cream.

Now Xiao Taotie is soft and fleshy, full of collagen. When he smiles, his eyes are curved like crescent moons, his pupils are black and bright like starlight, his apple muscles are plump, and his small pear dimples are deep, sweet and sweet. To kiss one.

The nanny was overjoyed, and couldn't help hugging the little Taotie, boasting: "Our little Taotie is the cutest and cutest peerless little baby!"

Little Taotie blushed, pursed her lips in embarrassment, her little face was nestled in the furry tiger hat, cute and shy, too cute.

The nanny's heart was about to melt, and she picked out a pair of small leather shoes in the shape of a tiger's head for the little Taotie, dressed the little girl beautifully, and took her little hand to show off.

When Hua Jinyan saw the little Taotie wearing a tiger hat, his eyes lit up and he stared at her.

Cheng Guodong boasted so much that he embarrassed the little girl, she turned around, and the little milk said softly, "No...not so cute."

"Cute! Cute bubbling! My sister is the cutest cub in the world!"

Qin Xin supported his forehead and bumped him with his elbow, "Sister, I'm sorry, restrain yourself!"

Cheng Guodong smirked, stepped forward to adjust the tiger hat for the little girl, and patted the tiger hat, "Let's go, let's go see the big tiger, the big lion, and the giant panda!"


Entering the safari park, there are flocks of flamingos at the entrance area, with straight slender legs and bright and beautiful fur.

Flamingos are untethered and parade live.

Little Taotie looked around and exclaimed, "They are like walking flowers!"

On the right side of the flamingo is the Dazui corridor. There are red parrots standing on the branches of the trees. I don’t know what they are chirping about, and their mouths don’t stop.

Little Taotie stood in front of the parrot, raised his head and let out a "ha".

Everyone looked at her blankly, Xiao Taotie started to giggle, and suddenly a parrot "ha" at her.

Little Taotie's eyes shot out with strong light, and he raised his head and said "ha" to the parrot, and now more parrots responded to her, and he was very excited to hear the parrots chirping, and flapping their wings as if they were allegro rhythm.

Cheng Guodong: "Sister, is this a soul conversation with the parrots?"

Qin Xin didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "They had a good time."

(End of this chapter)

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