Chapter 251 Hundreds of Swans

Cheng Guodong came over, heard Xiao Taotie's milky voice, and exposed her with a smile, "Is my sister afraid to feed her?"


Little Taotie's face flushed red, his little hands had no place to rest, and his little eyes were erratic.

Hua Jinyan walked up to her, put the vegetable leaves in her hand, held her hand up, "Don't be afraid, let's feed it together."

The little Taotie looked at the tall giraffe, watched it stick out its tongue, and retracted its hand involuntarily, but Hua Jinyan held her little hand, and fed the food in her hand to the giraffe that stretched its neck to eat .

When the food was successfully eaten by the giraffe, Little Taotie looked at his intact little hand and let out a breath.

So good it wasn't eaten!

The hand is still intact!

Little Taotie stepped back, apparently still resisting feeding the giraffe.

Hua Jinyan took her little hand and asked, "Want to see a swan?"

Little Taotie, who fell into self-doubt because he didn't dare to feed, immediately put aside his troubles, his eyes were full of expectations, and he looked at Hua Jinyan with sparkle, "Is there a swan? I want to see it! I want to see it!"

When he came to the water area to explore the secrets, the little Taotie stood still, his big eyes fixed on the lake, and looked at hundreds of swans.

"Am I dreaming?" Little Taotie didn't dare to breathe, as if afraid of waking up from a dream.

"This is not a dream, you can sit on hundreds of swans, white swans and black swans, you can choose! You can also feed them!" Cheng Guodong laughed at his sister's cute appearance, and stuffed the food into her little hands , "Don't dare to feed giraffes, so what about swans, does our little glutton dare to feed them?"

Little Taotie held the food in his hands excitedly, and the voice of the little milk trembled, "Really? Can you feed them?"

"Okay, let's go and feed!"

The little Taotie trotted over like a merry-go-round, with a sweet smile on his face.

The water was sparkling in the sun, and groups of swans rowed across the lake, flapping their wings from time to time, flying from one end to the other.

Little Taotie squatted aside and carefully handed over the food. She didn't dare to feed it to the swan's mouth. Although she saw a passer-by uncle put food in the palm of his hand for the swan to eat, she wanted to imitate him and feed him, but she couldn't help it. I was very afraid that my little hand would be eaten by a swan.

She only dared to throw food on the lake when the swans came to eat, so that the swans would bury their heads and peck the white food floating on the lake.

After feeding the food in her hand, she turned her head and looked at Cheng Guodong eagerly.

Cheng Guodong was amused, and went up to give her another small packet. The little Taotie was afraid that he would finish feeding them too soon, so he threw them on the lake one by one very slowly.

When the swan lowered its head to peck at the food, the little Taotie plucked up his courage, and his little hands were ready to move.

This time she threw several swans in a row, and the swan buried its head in pecking at it, not looking up for a while, and the little Taotie took the opportunity to quickly reach out and touch the swan, then quickly withdrew his hand, as if terrified, turned around and ran away, He threw himself into someone's arms.

She originally wanted to jump into the arms of her elder brother or second brother, whoever she wanted, but when she raised her head, she met Shang Hua Jinyan's eyes.

"Don't be afraid, they won't hurt you."

His voice was very gentle, as if it had soothing magic power.

Little Taotie nodded, his big eyes were shining brightly: "The swan is so beautiful, will there be an ugly duckling here?"

Hua Jinyan pointed his finger in one direction, and the little Taotie looked in that direction, and saw a white swan swimming forward, followed by four or five gray fluffy birds, like ducklings, smaller than ducklings. Duck cubs are big.

"Is this the child of a swan?" Little Taotie tilted his head, somewhat unbelievable, "The swan is obviously white, so why is its child gray?"

(End of this chapter)

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