Chapter 254
"What are you all talking about?"

The Internet celebrity who was about to eat was taken aback for a moment, and leaned closer to look at the fast writing.

Only then can I see those messages clearly.

The key word is: Little Gluttony!

The Internet celebrity turned around and looked around, and saw another table with a cutie wearing a tiger head hat!
The Internet celebrity stared wide-eyed, never expecting to meet Taotao, the Little Mermaid who has recently been very popular in the short video of "No. 3" here!
"Little gluttonous!" The Internet celebrity exclaimed.

When Little Taotie heard someone calling him, he raised his head and looked over, he was cute and cute, his big round eyes were full of bewilderment.

"It's really a little glutton! Taotao, the little mermaid!" The Internet celebrity was very excited.

The screen of the live room is swiped:

[Aim at the cutie! 】

【let us see! 】

[Don't just care about yourself!Show us the peerless cutie! 】

【Baby, mom is here, let mom see you! 】

[Little Taotie, I want to see it!Show me quickly! 】

Even if the live broadcast room was blown up, the Internet celebrities did not immediately satisfy their request, but covered the phone camera.

【blacken! 】

【what's the situation! 】

[Anchor, you are not a man! 】

[Open, quickly open the curtain that covers my eyes! 】

[Hurry up and show us the little glutton! 】

Let the live broadcast room go crazy, the anchor didn't bother, but trotted to Xiao Taotie's table.

He wiped his hands with a wet paper towel, then stretched out his hand, and said to Little Taotie, "Little cutie, can I shake hands?"

Little Taotie tilted her head, and the tiger hat tilted along with her, "Okay!"

Little Taotie stretched out his little fleshy hand to shake him.

The fleshy little hands feel good to the touch!
The internet celebrity was so excited that she took out a photo from her bag.

It turned out to be a photo of the little mermaid Taotao in Xiao Taotie's "No. 3" video.

"Can you sign me?"

Little Taotie: "..."

Cheng Guodong didn't expect to meet Xiao Taotie's fans here, but as a manager, he was prepared. He took out a seal and handed it to Xiao Taotie.

Little Taotie looked at Cheng Guodong blankly, his big eyes filled with question marks.

The Internet celebrity saw the little girl's cute look, and almost couldn't help but stepped forward to pinch her little face, but he was still sensible and didn't dare to do so, for fear of being beaten.

Although he didn't know whether Xiao Taotie's fist in the "No. 3" video could really penetrate the hull of the ship, but he was still afraid.

"You stamp the photo with a seal, which represents your signature." Cheng Guodong taught patiently.

Little Taotie looked at the pattern on the seal, it turned out to be a pattern of a small white beast.

"It's me!" Little Taotie shook the seal in his hand, smiling brightly.

Cheng Guodong nodded: "It's the little white beast you like, so I asked someone to carve this seal."

Little Taotie pressed a seal on the photo, and a small white beast with a clear outline appeared on the photo. She laughed, with deep dimples and crooked eyes.

The internet celebrity was attacked by cuteness at close range, covering her heart, "It's so cute! I'm going to be turned into a cutie!"

Qin Xin: "If there's nothing else, we'll have dinner."

In other words, don't disturb us for dinner, we've shaken hands and got our autographs, so we can go.

The Internet celebrity scratched her head in embarrassment, bowed her head and apologized: "I'm sorry, I may have caused trouble for you, I was broadcasting live just now, and the camera accidentally caught you. I promise, I really didn't mean it! I don't know either It was you, I accidentally caught you when I took a picture of the food with the camera, and many people in the live broadcast room recognized Xiao Taotie..."

Cheng Guodong's face darkened, and just as he was about to reproach him, he heard Xiao Taotie's milky voice ask: "Without the cameraman uncle, can I live broadcast by myself?"

(End of this chapter)

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