The real daughter, Xiaotaotie, became popular in the entertainment industry

Chapter 256 The Little Glutton Who Started the Live Broadcast

Chapter 256 The Little Glutton Who Started the Live Broadcast

Little Taotie pressed and flicked on the phone, and suddenly, she saw her own face.

The phone screen was like a mirror. When she blinked, the people on the screen blinked too.

Xu Ya, who came back from the safari park, was in a depressed mood. She didn't want to do anything, not even eat dinner, and just lay on the sofa and swiped her phone boringly.

Suddenly, a cute little face came into view.

Xu Ya thought she had read it wrong, so she clicked in, and saw the owner of that small face blinking at the screen.

Beauty magnifies crit!

Xu Ya took a closer look and confirmed that this was not a child imitating Little Taotie, but a real Little Taotie!

[Little glutton? 】

【Is that you? 】

[Is the real Little Taotie broadcasting live? 】

Xu Ya saw someone leave a message, and apparently someone else came in, and found Xiao Taotie's live broadcast room.

Xu Ya hurriedly called her best friend, because her best friend was also a fan of Little Taotie just like herself.

The best friend couldn't believe it, and immediately entered the live broadcast room, and actually saw the little Taotie!
The news gradually spread, and more and more people poured into the live broadcast room.

Little Taotie knew very few characters, and tilted her head to look at the frantically flowing text at the bottom of the screen, thinking that someone might be talking to her.

Little Taotie said in a milky voice, "It's too fast, I can't understand, can you slow down?"

As a result, the comments below were posted faster!
Little Taotie: "..."

Little Taotie looked bewildered, sighed a little, and said old-fashionedly: "If you are disobedient, I won't read it."

[Cubs look at me! 】

[Little gluttonous!Caught a cutie! 】

[Little Taotie is so cute! 】

【Is Zai Zai angry?Mom can't help but want to talk to you, it's mom's fault, don't be angry! 】

[Little Gluttonous show us a show! 】

Little Taotie understood the word "performance", tilted his head, and asked Mengmeng, "Do you want me to perform?"

[Come to a show! 】

[Come on, little glutton! 】

[Applause, please perform! 】

[Yes, yes, I want you to perform! 】

"What am I going to perform?"

It's very late now, if you sing and dance, you will definitely wake up the eldest brother and the others.

Little Taotie thought for a while and asked, "Shall I tell you a story to lull you to sleep?"

【Okay! 】

[I never dreamed that I could be coaxed to sleep by the little Taotie! 】

[I went to the wildlife park today, and I ran for nothing. I was very depressed at first, but now I am so happy! 】

[Ditto!I was super sad at first, but now there is a little Taotie coaxing me, I don’t know what is sad at all! 】

【I'm going to sleep, I will fall asleep listening to Xiao Taotie's storytelling, will I dream of Xiao Taotie at night? 】

Little Taotie told the story of the ugly duckling in a childish voice.

A hot search climbed up silently line by line from the last place.

By the time people discovered it, it had already reached the number one spot!

--shock!I was lulled to sleep by a human cub!hot~
After the little Taotie finished telling the story of the ugly duckling, seeing the words still flowing on the screen, he said in a childish voice, "You are not asleep yet, then I will tell you a story about Pangu creating the world!"

[Little Taotie's voice is so nice, I can't fall asleep more and more, so I just want to keep listening to it! 】

[The storytelling looks so serious and awesome! 】

【so cute!Cubs are so cute! 】

After finishing talking about the story of Pangu creating the world, Xiao Taotie yawned tiredly when he saw that there were still many people leaving messages, "Then I will tell you another story about Nuwa creating man..."

Little head bit by bit, then landed on the pillow, closed her heavy eyes, she muttered, trying to make every word of the story clear, but her voice became more and more muffled.

The little glutton who used to lull people to sleep - fell asleep!
(End of this chapter)

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