Chapter 269 Top Star Superstar Gu Yixing

Little Taotie was sitting on a big rock, dragging her cheeks with her little hands, frowning, looking eagerly at the mountain road outside the courtyard gate, the sun was about to set, and she didn't wait for anyone, just when she was lost and wanted to go back to the house, I saw a figure!
A figure came from a distance and entered the courtyard, Xiao Taotie ran over like a small cannonball, and hugged the man's leg, "Where did brother go?"

She raised her little head and saw the other's head!
There is a dazzling seven-color flower on it, and the seven-color flower is surrounded by small white flowers like crystals to set off the seven-color flower. The seven-color flower seems to be shining and swaying with the wind, which is very beautiful.

Little Taotie was fascinated by the colorful flowers!
However, Gu Yixing thought that Xiao Taotie was fascinated by his own face, and thought to himself: I am indeed a killer of all ages!

He waited for the little Taotie to say the next lines, but for a long time, the little Taotie still looked at him obsessively.

He gradually realized that the scorching eyes were not quite right, it seemed that they were not facing his face, but more like... facing his head?

Director Chen called the card, and asked suspiciously: "Little Taotie, have you forgotten the words? Why didn't you continue?"

Little Taotie reluctantly moved his eyes away from the seven-color flower, and looked at the director blankly.

Dao Chen raised his forehead: "It seems that I really forgot the words."

Gu Yixing scowled, the flowers on his head swayed in the wind, but his voice was cold and fierce: "I can't even recite a single line, what kind of actor!"

Little Taotie stared blankly at him.

Doubts in my heart: Do flowers like me?Are flowers swaying in the wind happy?But why is the expression so fierce?

"You still don't know your mistake! Admit it!" Gu Yixing angrily said.

Little Taotie was startled by him, and took a small step back.

"Speak!" Gu Yixing stared at her.

Little Taotie saw that colorful flower drooping its head, as if it was about to wither.

Such a beautiful flower cannot die!

Little Taotie's eyes were filled with tears, and the corners of his eyes were red, he stretched out his small hand and grabbed Gu Yixing's sleeve.

Gu Yixing woke up, feeling extremely upset.

He has always been an actor who is strict with his performances, and he subconsciously developed such a habit. The outside world said that he was playing big cards, but they didn't know that he was striving for excellence.

He forgot that this time the object of the play was just a little girl.

Having become famous too early, he didn't know how to put down his face to coax others, thinking in his heart: This kid should be afraid of me from now on, right?It seems to be sprayed with black powder again.

But Gu Yixing never expected that the little girl not only ran away without fear, but also grabbed his sleeve and acted coquettishly, with a childish voice: "Don't be angry, brother, you will become ugly when you are angry."

Little Taotie wanted to say that the seven-color flower would turn ugly, but when he spoke in a hurry, it turned into 'you will turn ugly when you are angry. '

Cheng Guodong, who originally wanted to rush up and curse, was stopped by Director Chen, who ordered the photographer to take a close-up shot.

Director Chen was very excited: "This shot is amazing! The awkward brother, the coquettish younger sister!"

Cheng Guodong said with a cold face: "He made my sister cry, I want to change the male lead! I will add another [-] million!"

Director Chen: "..." Please!There is no top stream, you add countless billions, it's an unpopular drama, what's the point of me filming it!
"Don't be impatient, don't you think they are getting along very well now, you have to give them some time to adjust, maybe it's the same with another person? Maybe it's not as good as him!"

Cheng Guodong looked in the direction pointed by Director Chen's finger, and saw his younger sister running around the male protagonist in a joyous manner, "Is your hair real?"

Gu Yixing shook his head: "It's fake."

"Can I touch the wig?" Little Taotie looked at him with eyes full of curiosity.

Gu Yixing pursed her lips and nodded.

Little Taotie stretched out his small hand to touch it lightly, then beckoned and asked, "Can you squat down and let me touch the hair on the top of your head?"

Gu Yixing frowned, his face was a little ugly, when the staff thought he was going to turn his back on him, they saw him squatting down slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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