Chapter 291

The director couldn't believe it, would any young actor refuse his invitation?

I have a box office champion in my hand!
It broke the record at that time, and I don't know how many people begged to post his play!

When the assistant saw the director's unbelievable look, he knew that the director must not have paid attention to the Internet recently.

"She's an internet celebrity now!" The assistant pointed to the storage room in front of them and sighed, "I heard that the storage room can't fit in the invitation."

"There are twenty square meters here!" The director frowned.

"Hey, look at the number of people in her live broadcast room, and then look at the number of her fans."

The director took it and clicked on the avatar, and found that the little girl had almost 3000 million fans.

In the live broadcast room, Xiao Taotie is playing chess with Hua Jinyan live.

[Little Zai Zai is so good at chess, I don't even know how many routines she has! 】

[It's amazing, this is a lady who is going to be cultivated into a piano, chess, calligraphy and painting! 】

[Reversi can be played at a young age, what else can hinder her in the future? 】

[Only I am angry, whose hand is the other hand?It seems to be a little boy! 】

[Upstairs, I have already made up a [-]-word essay by myself. 】

The number of people online in the live broadcast room is less than 3000 million, which is about the same as the number of fans seen before, obviously they are all live fans.

Seeing the crazy castles one after another.

The director said with emotion: "Sure enough, internet celebrities are still making money!"


Cheng Guodong brought a large plate of nutritious and satisfying snacks to Xiao Taotie, and brought a fruit plate.

Fans who saw this scene said: [They also want such a brother! 】

[My brother brought me tea and water one day, I was probably going crazy, thinking he was either rape or robbery! 】


Seeing that the little girl was so popular, the director was originally full of confidence, but now he was a little bit out of breath.

"Okay, make an appointment if you can. It's okay if you can't. I believe you have worked hard."

When Cheng Guodong received an invitation from a big screen director, he immediately agreed.

Cheng Guodong told Xiao Taotie to throw away the advertisement for now and make a movie first.

The next day, Cheng Guodong took Xiao Taotie to meet the director.

The little girl is soft and cute, wearing a white sweater and an orange down jacket.

The whole person is bulging, as cute as a little goldfish.

The director saw the real person up close, and his desire to create another peak became stronger in his heart.

"Come on, let me tell you about the play."

"You are the little princess of the subjugated country. In order to revive the country, you sneaked into the enemy's country, won the victory in the end, and sat on the high throne."

"Sitting on the throne, your mission is complete, and the next play will be performed by the grown-up heroine."

Little Taotie soon entered the scene, dressed in rags, begging along the street.

The camera focused on her every expression.

She lit a firewood to keep warm, but saw light rain from the sky.

She hid under the eaves, trying to protect the flames.

Through the firelight, she saw everything before the subjugation of the country.

"Change, change! Next show! Stylist, hurry up!" the director shouted loudly.

He is different from other directors. Other directors like to rehearse scenes. For example, the memories of this scene are skipped, and this set of looks continues to be filmed.

He likes continuous shooting, which may be troublesome, but he can know more clearly whether the plot is abrupt or not.

The stylist rushed to catch up, and immediately ran away holding Xiao Taotie, and a word came from afar: "I will dress her up well!"

Little Taotie reappeared, dressed extremely grandly, with golden steps on his head, swaying.

"Now you are the you in the fire, and everything in the fire is your memory. You were the youngest princess, loved all the time. On the day the country died, you were the only one who escaped. You begged along the street, gradually forgetting who you used to be .”

Little Taotie nodded, and began to play the role of a spoiled, somewhat capricious little princess.

(End of this chapter)

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