Chapter 303 The Female Devil Actually Laughed

Little Taotie was forcibly put on a down jacket and stuffed into the car.

Little Taotie was so angry that he didn't want to talk to big brother anymore.

Qin Xin smiled and said, "It's cold outside, so you still need to wear a coat."

Little Taotie said in a muffled voice, "Put on the coat, so that others won't be able to see my new sweater."

Qin Xin didn't dare to answer, because he was afraid that his bad premonition would come true.

Cheng Guodong interjected at this moment: "When you arrive at the shooting location, you take off your down jacket, and the air conditioner is turned on there."

Qin Xin: "..." Didn't we talk about the shooting location, so we have to change it?What do you do if you say that now and refuse to change later?
Qin Xin rubbed his forehead, and didn't want to talk to elder brother anymore.

Hua Jinyan was as quiet as a chicken the whole time, carefully peeking at the little Taotie.

After driving for half an hour, when we arrived at the shooting location, the advertiser also chose a good studio nearby.

Xiao Taotie jumped into the shooting location, the first thing he did was to take off his coat and show off his unique clothes.

"Little Taotie!" A familiar voice sounded.

Little Taotie looked around and shouted, "Sister Stylist!"

The stylist sister is wearing a white lady's suit today. She looks very capable, but she is also gentle.

Little Taotie trotted over and hugged the leg of the stylist sister, "I miss you so much!"

The stylist sister knelt down, stretched out her hand to gently touch her small face, and smiled softly, her voice like a spring breeze: "Our little Taotie has become cute again!"

Little Taotie blushed shyly, "The stylist sister has also become more beautiful!"

"Small mouth is so sweet!" The stylist sister was teased, and laughed loudly, her eyes curved.

"The female devil actually laughed!" some employees whispered.

"My God, I've never seen a female devil so gentle!"

"I've been in the company for ten years, and I've only seen the female devil smile like a slapstick."

"Who is this child, a relative's child of the female devil?"

"Relatives, relatives, you don't know that the female devil has fallen out with her family long ago, and she has worked hard to achieve her current career. How could she find a relative's child to shoot an advertisement?"

"Don't you guys know this kid? She's been very popular recently, little glutton!"

"I've been too busy recently and haven't watched much TV. Is it very popular?"

"I want to recommend my baby to you, baby is invincible and cute, hurry up and watch this 'No. 3' video, I sent it to the company group!"

The stylist sister took Xiao Taotie's hand and said softly, "You are the endorser of the company's new juice. This series has three flavors, all of which are tropical fruits, including mango juice, coconut juice, and pineapple juice."

"Is it good?" Little Taotie asked.

"Drink and see, your elder brother has not signed a contract with our company. The request is that the contract will be formally signed only if you feel good after drinking it."

"What if it doesn't taste good?"

"If it doesn't taste good, you don't need to sign a contract."

"You don't need to shoot commercials anymore?"


Little Taotie blinked: "I hope they taste good, I want to be the spokesperson, so that I can often come to play with my sister."

"Even if it doesn't taste good, we have other products, and you can still be our spokesperson!"

The stylist sister gently touched Xiao Taotie's head, "Even if you are not the spokesperson of the company, I will still visit you often."

On the table, there are three bottles of juice.

The bottle is flat and square, with a big 100% juice written on it.

One bottle of light yellow is pineapple juice, the bottle of dark yellow and orange is mango juice, and the other bottle of white and transparent is coconut juice.

The caps of the three bottles have been opened, and the aroma of fruit is wafting in the air.

Tropical fruits are sweet. Xiao Taotie liked coconut juice the most when he was in Sanya, so the first bottle he reached for was coconut juice.

Without further ado, the little girl drank a bottle, showing a happy expression, nodded, her big eyes sparkling: "It's delicious! It's sweet and refreshing!"

Little Taotie picked up the second bottle of mango juice and drank it without a pause.

The staff whispered: "The little girl is quite good at drinking!"

"Little Taotie is massive! Amazing!"

"I just watched the 'No. 3' video in the group, this cub belongs to my family too!"

"It's so cute! Drinking fruit juice is so bold, unlike the previous spokesperson, who was afraid of getting fat after taking a sip, and vomited when he turned his head. It's all fake drinking!"

Little Taotie put down the empty mango juice bottle, picked up the pineapple juice again, and went on and on...

(End of this chapter)

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