Chapter 305 Little Glutton Comes to Answer
The juice commercial was filmed, and it went live two days later. It was broadcast on major online platforms first, followed by variety shows and major TV dramas.

It can be said to dominate the screen-style playback volume!

Moreover, the content of the advertisement is also a screen-dominating brainwashing content!
The audience's impression after watching it for a day is that there is no place to escape this advertisement, even if it is a bus, the display screen on the bus is full of this advertisement!
Special brainwashing, full of two words: "Great!"

Little Taotie's milky voice appeared in the dreams of countless people, and even in dreams, it was the heroic appearance drinking juice, the same sweater, and the voice: "Great!"

The gossip people began to discuss: [Is the filming crew poor?Why did you shoot just one piece of clothing? 】

[The camera is changing, the scene is changing, the juice is changing again, Xiao Taotie's "good praise" and that sweater will never be changed! 】

[I have been dreaming for the past two days. In my dream, there are little gluttons drinking juice in a hurry, and they also raised their thumbs at me and shouted: "Great!", which woke me up. 】

[The filming crew should not be poor, this ad has taken over the screen, how many places have it been put on? 】

[To tell you the truth, my family is in the countryside, and it is very backward. Even in the small supermarket on the roadside, this advertisement is played 24 hours a day, which is very brainwashing! 】

【Too proud?Even small supermarkets in remote villages have placed advertisements?I was stunned! 】

【That sweater looks messy, I don't know where to buy it?My child likes it very much, and I want to buy one for her. 】

【The camera is changing, but the clothes will never change. How can we ordinary people afford it?It must be high-end, very expensive! 】

[This dress always gives me a very familiar feeling. 】

Soon, some netizens picked up a Reuters photo of Xiao Taotie, wearing a white sweater with pink cherry blossoms on the chest.

Another netizen revealed that Xiao Taotie was wearing a pink sweater with white fur balls dotted on it.

[I have a guess. 】

[Actually, I also have a guess. 】

[These two clothes were cut and sewn together, are they the same one that Xiao Taotie wore in the advertisement? 】

[Upstairs, I feel the same way as you! 】


The outside world is disturbing, Xiao Taotie is completely unaware, these days he is obsessed with making models, and he doesn't even start the live broadcast.

Little Taotie followed Hua Jinyan to make models for a while, and yawned when he was tired, and Hua Jinyan drove him to sleep.

Before going to bed, she finally opened the live broadcast room.

[Catch a little cutie! 】

[Little Taotie finally launched the live broadcast, let me take a good breath! 】

[Zai Zai, I miss you so much, are you busy recently? 】

Little Taotie shook his head: "I'm not busy, I'm putting together models every day! When I make a big boat, I'll take pictures for you to see!"

[Zai Zai, the juice commercial you shot, is the juice really delicious? 】

"It's delicious!" Xiao Taotie smiled sweetly: "They are all my favorite fruit flavors! Coconut juice is the best!"

[I bought it yesterday, I bought all three flavors, and I like the coconut flavor the most! 】

[I also bought it, and like Xiao Taotie, I also like the coconut flavor the most! 】

【I will buy it tomorrow!Buy a case of Coconut Flavor! 】

[Little Taotie, is the sweater worn in the ad really a combination of two pieces like the one uploaded on the Internet? 】

Little Taotie already knows a lot of words, some words she can't understand, but missing a few words will not affect her understanding of the whole sentence, she showed a little proud expression, and replied in a childish voice: "Yes! I did it myself!"

(End of this chapter)

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