Chapter 307 A Subsidiary Company Is Born

The nanny never imagined that she would become a fashion designer and make a fortune by knitting sweaters!
The auntie nanny picked up Xiao Taotie and laughed happily: "Little Taotie is Auntie's little God of Wealth!"

Xiao Taotie also learned from his elder brother that in addition to becoming the spokesperson for children's clothing, he also became a part-time designer!

In the future, as long as it is a beautiful dress that I think of, I can tell it and let someone make it for me!
Little Taotie didn't want others to do it for him, so he wanted the nanny to do it for him.The eldest brother said that whoever makes what he said will be a joint designer and share the money together.

Sharing money with others is better than sharing money with the nanny!

Little Taotie is still very protective of his own people!
"Auntie, I think of a very beautiful dress, maintain our style, or put two dresses together, okay?"

"Tell me, I'll write it down, and I'll weave it tonight!"

"The Bana Flower!" Little Taotie recalled the Bana Flower he saw in the Palace of Reincarnation, and described it: "It's a very beautiful flower, by the way, I have a painting!"

She finds a painting in her collection, which is the flower of the other shore that Hua Jinyan painted for her.

"Auntie, the white sweater is covered with red Bianhua flowers, and the red sweater is covered with white Bianhua flowers. Then cut them in half and sew them together."

The nanny smiled and shook her head: "It's so troublesome, just weave it together, no need to cut and sew the two pieces together."

Little Taotie shook his head and insisted: "It must be like that!"

The nanny was puzzled: "Why? Isn't this a waste of materials?"

Little Taotie laughed: "Don't waste it, you can make two pieces! They are all unique!"

The auntie nanny didn't realize it at first, but when she saw Xiao Taotie take out a brochure, she suddenly realized.

Valentine's Day is coming soon. Recently, a lot of brochures have been stuffed into the mailbox. She saved them as waste paper and prepared to sell them for money. Unexpectedly, Xiao Taotie dug out this book.

The main product in the brochure is couple clothes!
The auntie nanny picked up Xiao Taotie and praised: "Your little brain is so smart! This is a good idea!"

When the clothes were made and sent to the children's wear company, the executives of the children's wear company had a headache.

They are just a children's clothing company, how can they sell couples' clothing?
Moreover, is the other shore flower really auspicious?Doesn't seem suitable for lovers, does it?
The senior executive rubbed his temples: "Do couples dare to wear Bana flowers? Flowers can't see leaves, leaves can't see flowers, poignant love!"

The director of the design department hesitated for a moment, and said: "It may not be acceptable in China, but foreign countries like poignant love stories. The more poignant the love story, the more they praise it! For example, Romeo and Juliet, such as the Titanic! If they are not poignant , it may not be popular until now!"

The executives were even more troubled: "Do you think that a company that sells children's clothing like us can really open up overseas markets with this clothing?"

The director of the design department hesitated and hesitated.

The high-level frowned: "Speak directly!"

"Actually... we can open another subsidiary company to sell couples' clothes! Xiao Taotie's design can be copied infinitely! Think about it, as long as it is made by cutting two sweaters, it can be regarded as a couples' clothes! Moreover, the designer is named Xiao Taotie, a six-year-old girl! This gimmick will soon open up overseas markets! Another point is that the popularity of Xiao Taotie overseas should not be underestimated!"

The senior frowned deeply.

The director of the design department waited anxiously, for fear that the leader would veto it. This was the best opportunity to open up the overseas market. If he missed it, he might never meet it again.

The high-level exhaled, and finally made a decision: "Okay! I'll call the president. I think your plan is very good, and I believe the president will agree!"

The senior management made a phone call on the spot, but the president only heard about the plan on the phone, and didn't see the proposal, so he agreed on the spot.

This is a rather sloppy behavior, but the president believes that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and there should be no delay, as it is easy for others to take the opportunity!
And just like that, a subsidiary company was born!
The seemingly hasty decision has become a decision that will amaze the industry in the future!

(End of this chapter)

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