Chapter 309 I don't care about them

In the evening, Cheng Guodong came to Xiao Taotie's room, and saw Xiao Taotie holding his mobile phone and playing D sound.

Cheng Guodong: "..."

Silently walked in front of little Taotie, for a long time, little Taotie didn't raise his eyes to look at him, his eyes seemed to be glued to the D sound, he became a member of the bow-headed clan at a young age.

Cheng Guodong coughed dryly, and finally caught the little Taotie's attention.

"Brother, come and see, this is really fun!"

Cheng Guodong sat beside her and looked at the phone screen.

On the screen of the mobile phone, a boy piled up books, divided them into two sides, leaving a gap in the middle, and then placed a piece of paper on top of the two books, like a bridge.

He put things on it, a thin piece of paper would definitely not be able to bear it, so the paper and things fell down together.

At this time, the boy said: "How can a piece of paper become a bridge to support a mobile phone?"

Then he smiled and asked, "Have you ever folded a paper fan?"

"It's like folding a paper fan, fold the paper into pleats, you see it!"

He showed the paper he had folded, like the layers of an accordion.

He placed the folded paper on top of the two layers of books, again as a bridge.

This time he took out a mobile phone, under the weight of the mobile phone, a piece of paper would definitely not be able to bear it.

Surprisingly, the phone held up firmly!

The mobile phone is pressed on the paper, and there is no phenomenon of "collapsing the bridge"!

Originally, Cheng Guodong wanted to talk about Xiao Taotie, to teach her not to use the D sound every day, and not to look at the phone every day, it is not good for the eyes.

But now seeing that the content Xiao Taotie likes to watch is actually about mechanics, he can't help being surprised.

This is absorbing knowledge!Can't stop it!

"If you think it's very interesting, can I ask a teacher to teach you to do some interesting experiments?"

Little Taotie: "..."

Playing the D sound and sitting and listening to the teacher's serious lecture... She chose to use the D sound!
Little Taotie pursed his lips and did not speak, his expression was full of rejection.

Cheng Guodong did not continue this topic, but talked about the business, "The children's clothing company wants to open another company to sell the Bianhua sweater you designed. After all, couple clothes don't match well with their children's clothing company."

"Okay! Do you want to start a company to sell it?"

"Yes, it is a clothing company that specializes in selling this kind of sweaters and mainly focuses on couples' clothing."

"This is very good!" Little Taotie tilted his head and said longingly, "All the clothes are designed by me, I think I'm so good!"

Cheng Guodong was amused by the starlight in her eyes, and asked, "Are you willing to be the chief designer?"

"I designed it with my nanny!"

"Yes, you and her will become the chief designer of the company."

"That's good!" Little Taotie rolled his eyes with a smile.

The little girl is still too innocent!Cheng Guodong sighed: "But in this case, others may hate you. Many people will not believe that you can design clothes at the age of six, and some people may suspect that you asked someone to design clothes for you."

"But... it's all my own thought!" Little Taotie blinked, his eyes were full of bewilderment.It was clearly designed by myself, why should I doubt it?

"People are unpredictable, and there will always be some people who make trouble out of nothing. As an artist under the spotlight, you will always be stared at. Jealousy can also make people ugly. The smarter and more talented you are, the more you will be envied People are crazy about attacks and suspicions."

"But facts are facts, and it's useless for them to doubt." Xiao Taotie said in a sullen voice, "I don't care about them! They are all bad people!"

(End of this chapter)

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