Chapter 312 Heizi Will Exist Forever
['Lover' brand shop opens! 】hot~
[Genius little designer, unlimited creativity! 】hot~
[Little Taotie is expected to become the next Fragrant Grandma! 】hot~
【Actor Xu Cheng Lu teamed up to make a commercial! 】hot~
[Strong sense of cp!The actor is expected to leave the single! 】hot~
All the hot searches on the list are all about the new brand 'Lover'.

On the first day of opening of 'Lovers', orders for the next year are full!
The president was very excited and wanted to strike while the iron was hot to open up overseas sales!
After Cheng Guodong received the call, he was also very surprised that he had such good results on the first day of opening, and he supported the other party's idea of ​​striking while the iron is hot, and he just transferred the money over there!
CEO: "Father of the gold master! We will work hard! We will strive for a new high in performance!"


As Cheng Guodong guessed, as Xiao Taotie's fame rose, it also brought a lot of negative trends.

Sunspots will always exist, as long as there is jealousy in this world.

[First of all, I want to ask a question, is the sweater really designed by Xiao Taotie? 】

[Upstairs, you are very wrong! 】

【I smell trouble! 】

[I'm not messing around, I'm just thinking with the normal thinking of an adult, what evidence is there to prove that this was designed by Xiao Taotie?There are too many talented designers in this world, but their fruits are taken away by others! 】

[Upstairs, I have reason to suspect that you are implying that none of us have normal thinking! 】

[I'm picking things up!I'm going to grab a melon and eat it! 】

[I have reason to suspect that this is a gimmick of the merchant!Use the name of the six-year-old genius to attract attention!Now it turns out that the business is successful, isn't it?Because Xiao Taotie is the designer, the sales volume is indeed extremely high! 】

[tsk!So what evidence is there for your suspicion now?Unless you conjure up a real designer, let him stand up and shout that Little Taotie stole his design! 】

【that is!What are you beeping blindly without evidence! 】

[I will definitely find evidence to prove that the name of the little genius is a trap of unscrupulous entrepreneurs! 】


A young man who claimed to have had his college graduation design stolen was live-streaming wearing a mask.

He unfolded his design sketches for his college graduation.

On the drawing is a sweater with a white background, with a pattern of red Bianhua flowers on it, and another drawing is a red sweater with a pattern of white Bianhua flowers on it.

Although the painting of the Bianhua is very sloppy, it can be seen that it is the same as the couple outfit of the Bianhua series launched by 'Lover'.

【Are you sure this is your graduation project?How many years did you graduate? 】

The young man wearing a mask got emotional and said angrily: "I graduated last year, and I have submitted my graduation design to many companies. Because the theme of the flower of the other shore has a bad meaning, making it into a couple outfit will have a feeling of cursing the lover to break up, so I was rejected. Those companies rejected it!"

"At that time, I felt that I could accept the reasons for their rejection and agree with them, so I sealed the design and never showed it again. I didn't expect that after a year, the Bi'anhua couple outfits would become a big hit! And with my The design is exactly the same!"

The young man's eyes were bloodshot, he clenched his fists tightly, and the veins on his forehead were bulging, obviously he was very angry.

Seeing his true feelings, some netizens believed him a little bit.

[Can you produce other evidence? Based on these, the 'lovers' can be said to have similar ideas. They may produce evidence that they designed this Bianhua series earlier than you. 】

[Yeah, it is very likely that you will be bitten back and be regarded as a plagiarist! 】

[Look around, is there any other strong evidence? 】

(End of this chapter)

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